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Posts posted by darkwiggles

  1. Hmm...Let's see...


    I was at Best Buy with family/friends. So when it was around 1-3AM...When everybody was all quiet, because it was pretty cold outside. So these "Hooligans" were driving by...And they threw about 2-3 water balloons at the people in line! :no::mad: I was so glad I didn't get hit, because I was 15-25 feet away from them. :eek: So after they threw balloons at them...The "Hooligans" were all screaming, "You f!@#$ing nerds!" They were doing that as they were driving away...:mad:

    Oh ya...btw, Since I was 13 years old...I was all screaming, "You motherf!@#$ers! Come back here you son of a b!@#$es!" ...Give me a break people...I was 13...:tongue1:

    So after all that mayhem...I went to go check the people that got hit...I found this other guy about my age telling me what happened. So while he was telling me what happened, I see this woman calling the cops! :shock:

    So about 30mins-1hr....The cops show up! They didn't actually do anything...All they did was do a "driveby" and just made sure everything was all good. So then they left 5mins after they got here... :(

    So after they left...This car drives by and drives all the way to the front of the line...And BLARES HIS HORN! I was like "WHOA! Please tell me they're not back!" And actually, they were back...But in a different car. So I couldn't have recognized them. So he was screaming at us again, "You f!@#ing nerds and blah, blah." :mad::mad:

    So after that...It was all good, because they never came back(Thank God). So after that, it was just a typical Black Friday....Grabbing tickets, running to the electronics, and doing anything to get your product. :cheesy::P:cheesy::P:cheesy::P

  2. What about preg women who think they can handle BF? We had two in line at the BB I was at last year and the cops told them to leave since they will put the babies in danger.

    It's called online shopping.


    And I'm only talking to pregnant ladies attempting to go out in near freezing cold weather trying to save a buck.


    Save a baby or save a dollar? Which is more important?


  3. It varies from store and store. We have had reports in years past where the people in line were rude and such. Other reports we get that every one in line plays nicely. I hope everyone plays nice. :)

    Ahh...Just play nice till they give out tickets and open the doors.



    BF is a full contact sport and you will find that once business picks up that this site has some of the most serious and professional BF shoppers in the world that post here.


    Welcome to the community!

    True dat. True dat.

    xD x]

  4. No they have not. Once you are in line for 30 plus hours you become friendly with the people around you. So if someone nears you needs to potty or get food they will ask if you will hold there spot while they potty and they will do the same with you. It is a honor system. If you do get up to go get food then you must offer to get food for the people around you. Once it is time to put away your stuff people around you are doing it but just remember who was in order. You might take turns doing it. In the lines I have been in this takes place around 1am on Friday for a 5pm opening. Again this will all depend on the people around you and how quick you make friends.

    Do people really kick you out of line if you JUST go to the bathroom/get food?



    The people in line where I am in Best Buy don't really care.


  5. Well since Black Friday 08' isn't for a long time now...I can't really think of much that I'll bring with me, but I'll name a few.


    *A small charcoal grill - For warm and heat. :)

    *A tent - Haven't bought one yet...

    *Money - DUHHHH.

    *Energy drinks, coffee, soda! - To stay awake!!1!eleven!one!!

    *Steak - For the grill...↑ lololololol(:

    *A friend:D

    *iPod -Blaring music should make me stay up. :]

    *Considering on bringing a "power inverter" so I can bring my Wii and TV! :cheesy:

    -Not much, But this is all I can think of on top of my head. ;)-


    Now let's hear others gotta say...

    Tips on what to bring shall be appreciated.


  6. All you guys pretty much listed everything I was gonna say...



    But one of my TOP 5 BF pet peeves is:

    When your standing in line, and people in cars driving by wondering, "WTF are you doing in line at 4 in the morning?!11!?!!!11eleven!!1!?"

    They are hecka annoying.



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