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About Spiderlady

  • Birthday 04/15/1938
  1. Thanks Shortness!! But, there's a problem when I open the album there's no way to upload the pictures. I followed the instuctions on the first post of this thread and get stuck. In other forums the link allows one's computer files to upload the photo. Am I missing something??
  2. Hmm.... I thought I posted a question on this thread, but I don't see it here. I wonder if it's adrift in cyber-purgatory??:) My question is, can I post photos/graphics from files on my computer to an album, or must the photo/graphic be from an online site?
  3. Thanks so much for the info mmm-40. I'll attempt the contact with judithra. My 'puter chat/blog/message skills are rusty.... haven't used them a great deal in some years. Shame on me!! I should pay better homage to the "Cyber Gods"... after all, I met my husband in a chat room in 1999. I owe them!! :)
  4. I have the worst luck getting accepted on surveys etc. Perhaps they don't want Senior Citizen's opinions?? When you think about it... it might behoove them to "Court" our opinion... the Age of the Baby Boomers is upon us!!
  5. Thanks Miranda!!
  6. I tried to join yesterday and today. Filled out the entire application and it just "hung up". Wouldn't go through! I emailed them and no response.
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