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Everything posted by BellaMia

  1. The Punky Brewster dvd. I thought it was the whole shebang but it was only the first 5 shows. It was a waste of money. My daughter watched that when she was 5 and loved the show so I wanted to get it for her. I had to turn around and go back and order the complete set, which cost more but it was what I had wanted to begin with. I still have the first dvd. Don't really know what to do with it.
  2. 1. In your opinion, what store had the best Black Friday ad last year (2008) and why? Definitely Walmart. They always have very competitive prices and they price match so even if another store had a particular item at a great price, if Walmart had that item and I was already there, I could get that item and save a trip. 2. What would be your #1 piece of advice to someone totally new to Black Friday? Well, definitely check out Gottadeal several times per day if your time allows because the friendly people here always keep each other informed on the great deals to come, and make sure you are getting your newspaper ads. If not, check out the stores websites. Amazon.com always has great deals for Black Fridays. I did most of my Christmas shopping via the computer and shopping at Amazon. I got Nintendo DS games for under $5. Plus, if you sign up for their Prime shipping, the shipping is completely free and you can get many items the next day. 3. Besides offering great deals, what else can a store do to get you to shop there on BF? Offer free coffee, donuts, ample quantities of advertised items and good security. I certainly DO NOT want to be trampled on my way in the door just to get the newest Tickle Me Elmo.
  3. They also get more expensive. Just wait until he needs an expensive calculator.
  4. I already mentioned that in the past and everyone decided to keep it the way it is. I figured it would be easier to just go to one thread like the sweeps that are expiring but no one liked the idea I guess. What I do to sift through all of the 1X sweeps is go down to the bottom of the screen where it says "Display Options" and in the "Prefix" drop down menu I click "Daily" and submit. It brings up just the daily and some IWG sweeps so I don't have to go through pages and pages of 1X only sweeps that I've already entered. Hope that helps.
  5. Shows discontinued for me also. If it's been discontinued, maybe they should remove it from their site unless it is regional.
  6. Woot comes up for me unless this is the wrong site. http://www.woot.com/
  7. Since no one wants to trade anything for this and it expires on May 31st I figured I would just go ahead and post the gift code so that someone might be able to use it. The dollar amount is $25. Let me know if you use it so I can remove it later. Gift code: 4mzt74ufb
  8. Thanks! I sure hope that another opportunity comes along and that I win next time. I need a reliable car and soon.
  9. UPDATE May 17th: I just checked the Houseparty website and a winner was posted on Friday. Unfortunately it was not me. I am truly bummed about that but I want to thank everyone who took the time to vote for me anyway. Maybe something better will come along for me. Who knows.
  10. You are very welcome and since you said you never win anything per your pm, I am glad you were randomly chosen. Congrats! And yes, I will definitely let everyone know that I lost. Just kidding. I hope!
  11. And the winner of the 2 one-day Six Flags tickets is Persse!!! Congratulations and thanks for voting for me. Thank you to EVERYONE who voted for me. I truly appreciate it. Good luck on the Visa gift card giveaway. I don't think they have contacted anyone as of yet. Not that I have heard anyway. And no, I have not heard anything about the car.
  12. Just want to mention that I will be choosing a winner for the (2) One-day General Admission tickets to Six Flags this weekend. If there is anyone who thinks they won't use them, please let me know so I can choose someone who WILL get some use out of them. They are for any U.S. Six Flags park. I will randomly choose a winner among everyone who cast a vote for me in the Ford American Idol sweepstakes. Thanks!
  13. PLEASE vote for me today if you haven't already. Today is the last day to vote and I am not sure when they will close the polls. I dropped down in ranking yesterday due to another host getting tons of votes like all at once. Not sure how she did it. I've been lucky if I get 10 per day. This host has over 1,000 votes. Anyway, if you HAVE voted and your name gets picked for a gift card, you should expect to get a call tomorrow. Unless they are running behind. Houseparty seems to do that a lot. Good luck everyone!
  14. Thank you SO much Joli. I appreciate your vote!!!
  15. Thanks ladies. I appreciate your votes. I went to check my stats after seeing that you voted and I don't think one of your votes registered because as of my last check, only one new one was added. Have either of you voted before?
  16. Tomorrow is the last day for casting a vote. If you haven't done so already and might want to, PLEASE click the link above and vote. Also, don't forget to vote for spouses, and children age 18 or older and pass the link on to family and friends so they can have a chance at a gift card. Thanks!
  17. Thank you ladies! You all are SO awesome for taking the time to vote for me and for caring. I appreciate it SO much. 2 more days. I am getting anxious. I hope we have some winners here. Good luck!
  18. Thank you VERY VERY much! I appreciate everyone's kindness. I truly do. I sure hope I can come back here later this week and tell all of you that your help allowed me to win. And I sure hope that at least some of you win a gift card. Good luck everyone! Let's keep our fingers crossed.
  19. Thank you SO much for taking the time to cast a vote for me. I appreciate that very much. Good luck in the voters gift card giveaway. I hope you win one.
  20. Thank you...ALL of you! I appreciate it more than you know. There is only 4 more days until the voting ends. I am trying to stay positive. Hopefully I'll have good news for all of you and I hope that you all win a gift card for being so thoughtful. Thanks again.
  21. This is the last few days for voting. It ends May 14. Please take a moment and cast a vote. Thanks and good luck!
  22. Thanks speeddiva!!! You all are awesome and thoughtful. jbrawn26, I don't have a myspace page. I DO have a facebook account but really don't do anything with it. I sign up a while back but have basically just left it as it was when I first registered. I haven't added friends on there and don't know that many people around here since we've moved a few times. That's why I am trying to find other ways of getting the word out and asking all of you great people here to help. I appreciate all of the votes. I really do! Thanks again!
  23. Thank you SO much rachelb. Thank you double for both votes! I hope to win this although it's going to be pure luck I think because I am far behind the top host which is at 753. I have just over 100 so for her to have over 700 already is insane. I have no idea how she's doing it but she sure is lucky to have that many votes. Thanks again everyone! Please keep them coming. This car will truly get me out of a bind right now.
  24. Thank you both very much! Good luck to you all too. Remember, you can enter every one in your home age 18 and older to increase your chances of winning and also pass the info along to other family and friends so that they might win a gift card too. Thanks again!
  25. Thank you SO much lakj98. And I hope you win a gift card! I still need a lot of votes but who knows, I could still win. I hope!!!
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