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Everything posted by candykalu

  1. Can you use several of the same coupons for one transaction? Or do you have to go through different cashiers using only one each time? BTW if anybody lives in the Portland area, I saw yesterday a bunch of photokinz at the washington square store. I believe they had all, because I remember seeing a frog, penguin, puppy, monkey, and cow. Also, I saw a pretty big planter marked for 39.xx (50%), didn't scanned it though, it was in an endcap where the summer furniture is. Found 1 MM punch, this one has a coupon for 10 chucky cheese tokens.
  2. Great find, I'm still hoping to find one someday! Well if not maybe next year....or does anybody know if the kids furniture will go on clearance again this year?
  3. To everybody that looked or is looking for elmo plates for me, I just want to say: Thank you, Thank you, Thank you..... Since I just needed one pack, one of our dear fellow members already offered to send it to me, so I won't need anymore. Again, thanks! I'm very proud to belong to a group with such caring members. I love you all
  4. Sometimes, I wish I worked for Target. All these perks + the employee discount
  5. Last night, I finally found the elmo party stuff on clearance yeah!. I had been checking since somebody posted this last week or the one before (can't remember), but they were still regular price around here. Thanks for the heads-up! I got almost everything I need. The only one thing I'm missing is a pack of 8 dinner plates. I went to all the stores around me and they're gone. If anybody sees one at their stores and is willing to send it to me, will you let me know. Even if it still at regular price. I'm willing to send a pre-paid postage envelope, so you won't go through a lot of trouble. :)
  6. I'm looking for gold beaded chargers, but they are not metal. I don't know if anybody else is looking for the ones made of metal. If you were thinking of my post, thank you so much anyways for remembering and posting. This gesture just reminds me of all the great people that belong to this forum, always looking out for each other. All you guys are great
  7. I saw this on Friday as well. I even scanned it, but it was only 30%. I did only see the one, so we'll see if it's still there today....
  8. Pretty good deals yesterday. Got a bunch of toss pillows/throws, sheets, dining chair covers, quilts at 75%. Got an Oster Food Steamer DPCI # 072-04-0276 for 7.xx regular 29.99. Saw an Oster Toaster/Convection countertop oven for 12.xx reg. 49.99 it was a display model and didn't have trays or anything else. I took it to the cashiers to see if they would give me the floor model discount and they wouldn't because they said that it was already 75% off . So I left it, I don't really need it. I found plate chargers for 3.xx, they are round with a golden beaded pattern, but only found 3 and I need 6. If anybody sees or has them would you let me know, I would pay S & H of course!
  9. Yesterday I saw some radio flyer items at 30% (at least what the sticker said, didn't scanned them) There was that all-terrain wagon, a rocket ride-on, a tricycle type ride-on with no pedals, and I think one other thing but can't remember what....but it wasn't the regular tricycles because I'm looking for one but they didn't have a clearance sticker (maybe I should've scanned them). There were in their regular aisle, not an endcap. Crayola and Rose art stuff still 30%, does anybody know if they mark these down with stationery or toys? Still no elmo party stuff on clearance... No MM either, that shelf was clean, not even the regular 15-packs, I wonder if because of the sale last week, a lot of people found out about this deal accidentally or even if target people noticed..... Only bought 2 kelly valentine dolls that I found in the regular toy aisle, got them for .49!
  10. Went on a quick trip this afternoon looking for the girl toy organizer, no luck Got bunch of infant/toddler VD clothes, rang up "no info" but got them at 90%. If anybody lives in the portland area this was in the washington square store and there were still a bunch left in a rack labeled 30% off. Nothing new to report that anybody else hasn't done yet. I'm hoping that when my husband goes to ABQ, New Mex this Sunday he can still get one. Do you guys know if when you look for something online and it says "Limited availability" does it mean they're gone. I've seen this reported in stores around me and cannot find the item at the stores at all.
  11. Thank you so much for the info, I can only hope there are some still left (or at least one!) when he goes on Sunday. And the location works great because as a matter of fact he is going to be very close to Rio Rancho. Thanks again! :)
  12. Booga12345: Which store in ABQ did you find these? My DH is going this Sunday and I'm going to persuade him into getting one and bring it here to OR (even if he pays extra baggage when he flies back) but I don't think I can persuade him enough to go to multiple stores. I saw the new version at our store today and the only difference in the new ones is purple bins instead of blue ones (the girl version) and the price 59.99, so I want it even more now! Went to 2 stores this evening looking for elmo party stuff, none of them had them on clearance, hopefully they'll be later on...there was some generic party stuff 30% off. Saw a kitchenaid model floor food processor "as is" for 44.xx reg 89.99. Lots of crayola and rose art on clearance, as well as scrapbooking and office stuff around that area. Got VD tees and bibs at .69 and .79, they were hiding among regular toddler clothes. Not a lot of VD stuff left, no chocolates And found 2 MM grape, the cashier initially thought she had scanned them wrong LOL! BTW I want to know what's the deal with the DPCI#s, I remember someone saying punching the number in the scanner, but how? I didn't see any buttons in them or how do you guys work with these numbers?
  13. Ohh I'm so jealous as well. I saw them last week at 30% and was hoping to get them at 50%, but now I cannot find them.....75% off that was a great deal, happy for you
  14. Hi! I'm new here and am so happy to have found you! I've been "perusing" for a while, but never in my wildest dreams I would've imagine a site like this! I'm a target junkie as well and thrive on target deals. Thanks to this site I've found greater deals and am so happy to have "sisters" to share them with. So, thank you very much and I hope I can also be of help to you in the future! Today on a late night trip, I found VD stuff at 75% not a lot left because it was before closing, but I did see some kelly dolls that you guys were talking about. I did get some VD girl sweaters in the 30% rack but scanned 75% off...GB at this store was still 50% and not a lot left. I did find MM! 1 punch, 2 grape, I couldn't believe it! I'm still looking for the toy organizers, but no luck! I saw one last week and I was sure it was going to be at least 50% but kept scanning 30% (41.xx) I did not get it because thats the online price and I figure I could get it at that price anyways. BTW, do you guys rely on the target site inventory when it says "find it at a store"? I've seen "available" in a store and it wasn't there, what's the deal with that? Also, another question why do you guys ask for the DPCI #, is there a way to look it up in the store or do you ask a CS rep?
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