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About soccermuppet

  • Birthday 07/10/1970
  1. It sold out fast!!! I waited and had to reload several times.....this year's stash doesn't seem half as good as last year......IMO
  2. Got it!! Thanks so much OP!! Great deal!! I love U2!!
  3. Warning...not as fun as the 1st game, my son finished it in a day.....he wants the third one, but we will wait and see ......
  4. I found the .25 AA at the Desert Ridge Store in Phoenix, they still had a lot left.....
  5. Buy one refurbished from ebay, looks brand new, less than 200.00 and you can buy a warranty...that is how I got mine and I LOVE IT!!!:yup::yup::yup:
  6. Thanks....going there anyway to look at a desk.....:)
  7. Thanks, got 5 tubes.....starting to stockpile!!!! It really did come up to less than .27 b/c my target let me use 5MQ of 1.50 plus the 1.00 TQx5, mine were marked 2.23, FREE!!! Thanks!!!!!!
  8. Went to the Bell and 7th Street Super T w/ all my Skippy coupons printed and the Smuckers printed.....Skippy not on sale and no clearnace Smuckers......couldn't use the Archer Farms coupons for the little bags of chipsas they wouldn't adjust the price.......overall a wasted trip....they have a lot of patio at 50% but really no clearance...then went back to my Desert Ridge store and found the Colgate toothpaste deal, the pringles, the Classico...much better trip...
  9. What Target are you going to? I am at the one at Desert Ridge all the time, it seems like they never mark anything down , but sometimes I take a trip up to Ashler Hills, that one seems better.....
  10. Doesn't start until July 3rd, maybe they run PST where here is it still 11:30pm....
  11. I got 3 of the 6ft air hockey tables for $24.97, thanks OP!!! Best deal yet....
  12. Wow, I just looked on TRU.com ,and the free pick was supposed to be 4.99, he gave us 3 packs that had 2 picks and a stylus....oops!!! :)
  13. Went to TRU, bought 3 GH DS and the guy gave the free picks for all 3!!! He said he knew it wasn't supposed to be in the offer but that their store was doing it, the pick packs were 9.99 a piece......the other ones are going up on ebay but right now I am a rockstar to my DS11!!! He is about to set it up....
  14. :gdlicklips:Thanks!!
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