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About Lvnlakers78

  • Birthday 08/22/1978
  1. Got the ipod touch from Kohls it wasnt on sale so $199 but by adding another $1.50 item I was able to get $60 back in kohls cash $10 in yes 2 you rewards and I went through ebates getting $16 back so I ended up with the ipod for $113 I couldnt find it anywhere cheaper so Im pretty happy with this deal!
  2. We have my in-laws over for a big dinner then they watch my kids open there pj's and ornament and then we open the gifts they brought after that the kids put on there new pj's and the grandparents leave and we go out to look at Christmas lights. Been doing it this way for 16 years will be sad when the kids are all grown
  3. Just got one for $2.99 thank you
  4. Ive only gotten 3 pins and have won two $10 certificates! Makes me happy!
  5. I got a great deal on a skateboard deck for my ds and got the kindle on Amazon for my other ds. I have spent way to much time today looking for deals with not much luck!
  6. so I should read it all so I dont waste time posting or making the thread longer but you just wrote all of that without even answering the question and making the thread longer...but thank you for your advice I will keep it in mind! For everyone that answered thank you I think I will just go with the Kindle Fire!
  7. I dont have time to read through all 10 pages of posts so I am sorry if someone has asked this! My 9yr DS want a tablet he really wants a nabi or a meep im worried that he will out grow it to soon. I have a nook tablet and LOVE it but he doesnt want the same as me I am kind of leaning towards a Kindle Fire in hopes he would be able to use it longer. I could really use some help in deciding what way to go! Anyone have opionions on the Kindle Fire would or wouldnt buy?? Is there a better option? I really would like to stay around $150.
  8. I am sorry the first one broke I was super bummed...I loved it and Im sure you would have to. It was a make a wish one and a portion was donated to the make a wish foundation. I am happy to hear you enjoyed your 2nd shippment my two little ones ran out with me the night I heard what happened and the insisted on the HOPE one and I couldnt pass up the penguin he was to cute! Have you tried the chocolate yet? When I bought it the cashier said its yummy...I dont think I would agree! :)
  9. Received both my ss and my oe very nice thank you very much!!
  10. Mine are sitting here ready to go just have to wait for mailman to pick them up tomorrow afternoon. Eve DC#'s have been sent!!
  11. My DD 9 asked for a pink feather duster! Im hoping with all the pink breast cancer awareness stuff I can find one!
  12. Information sent! Cant wait to start shopping!!
  13. Thank You for posting. I looked in my email and couldnt find it but once I did a search it popped right up. I dont need anything from Best Buy but looks like I will be heading there to find something! :)
  14. Moxie Girlz Magic Snow Doll- Sophina List Price: $19.99 Price: $7.99 & eligible for free shipping with Amazon Prime http://www.amazon.com/Moxie-Girlz-Magic-Doll-Sophina/dp/B003AN0KFY/ref=lh_ni_t_ http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41dE136or1L._SL500_AA300_.jpg
  15. My Black Friday sucked! First off there wasnt really much I wanted in the adds but its tradition so I was going no matter what! My daughter told me if santa only brought her one gift she wanted a laptop soooo of course I see the Walmart $198 laptop and think perfect. So I head to walmart there at 4am only to be told oh we gave out the tickets at 10pm last night... WTF!!! SO I had absolutly no chance at getting one! Why didnt the advertise it so people could be there!!! I was FURIOUS but of course there was nothing I could do so I tried to make the best of my day. Everything I bought at walmart I price matched from another store....oh and as im looking over my receipt I notice I was charged $25 for a pack of socks...when I was price matching she put in 25 instead of 2.50. I did get some good deals at khols and Justice. Overall it was just a pretty crapy exsperience! Now im just broke and exhausted!
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