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Everything posted by stlmom

  1. My guess is shes talking about the one on Lindbergh right off I-55. I have noticed the South County store is always busy & the deals seem to go faster than the Fenton, Kirkwood, & Arnold stores. But, maybe thats just me
  2. St. Louis MO Or Columbus OH if we move by then
  3. My hubby worked in the backroom overnight at Target for 2 years. When these came out we were dying to get one for our son. The store manager there wouldn't let my hubby get one until he clocked out & went to the store like any other customer. Personally, I think that whole thing is a sticky situation. But, I think how his particular store handled it was great. We hit up 3 stores yesterday first store had still not marked anything at like 10am so we headed to another store & cleaned up. Definitely have DS's 3rd birthday & the majority of his Christmas shopping taken care of along with the nieces and nephews. Not bad for like $100!!! I don't know what I'm going to do once DS2 is too old to take Christmas shopping with me LOL he had a blast yesterday! Anyways, heres my finds: ###086-04-0800 Baby Born- Mommys little wonder $4.98 ###204-03-1329 Geo Trax Sets (Rope n' ride ranch & Chop n' haul sawmill) $5.24 ###204-00-0802 Bionicle $6.98 (ugh this one should have been $2.48 too ) ###204-00-0803 Bionicle $2.48 ###204-03-2940 John Deere plastic tractor $.98 ### misc Thomas Take along die-cast trains $1.24 & up ###misc Bob the Builder take along figures $1.24 ### two little Einsteins playsets $3.74 ### Little Einsteins figurines (go with the playsets) $1.48 I know there are tons more but those are the ones I could find the info on!
  4. Patio stuff was 50 & 75 at one of the stores here. They had most of the bigger furniture for 75% off.
  5. Our store had a huge sign for it too, now I'm kind of sad I didn't check it out
  6. Ok, anyone know when they marked the V-smile games down to 30% was it this past week? So next week they will go 50% or was it the week before so they will be 50% this week. Our store had tons of Bratz v smile games 50% off Blues Clues, Finding Nemo, and a few other for older kids 30% off.
  7. Thanks!! I'm hoping they clearance some in the big clearance they are doing now :)
  8. Alright gottadealers, I just bought the V-Smile pocket & V-Smile with a bunch of other stuff off ebay for $50. Which I was pretty happy about. But, where is a good place to find the games?? I don't really want to pay $20 a game for these things & I know these are pretty popular so I'm sure there are other people searching for cheap games too. Do they go on sale at stores like Target very often?
  9. Found a bunch of the Thomas Take Along diecast & a few of the sets 30 & 50% off at the Vogel store. Along with all kinds of other toys tons in the isles & on the end caps. Went to the South County store & most of the stuff on clearance at Vogel was not there. Also saw the V-Smile pocket system (pink one w/ Cinderella game) for $35. This is really cute & I looked online hoping to find some sort of sleeves for them to cover the pink. Although my son LOVES pink hubby is not so fond of me buying him pink stuff. Has anyone seen anything like that for them?
  10. Copied from my post in last months thread since people are asking about it: http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51R7XCH1SPL._SS260_.jpg They are originally $39.99 & the box says its for 3-5 yrs. DCPI: 082-03-0047 __________________
  11. We have been getting coupons from them since we became a portrait studio member.
  12. The only Kitchen Aid food processer I could find on Amazon was in white, just a heads up for everyone. Since you said there is a white in stores thats $89 not sure if its that one? The ASIN for that one is: B000NO6PS4 The checker didn't recognize any of the DCPIs you gave. Tried the ASIN amazon provides for the toaster oven & it didn't recognize that either.
  13. They do have a GREAT warranty program. My BIL had lots of problems with his too & they got it fixed in no time! Anyone know the DCPI's of any of the Kitchen Aid stuff?
  14. Hmm you can still add the item to your cart & get it at that price... Wonder if I should try or not?
  15. Diego trikes were still 50% here. They need to get back on the ball with this clearance stuff. Its messing up my good deals!!
  16. Anyone seen these at 75% yet today?? If they are I am going to have my hubby check the store on his way home. *crossing fingers* To the people looking for the DCPI its in my above post. HTH :)
  17. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51R7XCH1SPL._SS260_.jpg Link for the Go Diego Go trike on clearance is <a href="http://www.target.com/Huffy-Go-Diego-Trike/dp/B000EYF5P2/sr=1-10/qid=1210786754/ref=sr_1_10/602-5652047-0007017?ie=UTF8&index=target&field-browse=1038604&rh=k%3Adiego&page=1"> here</a> They are originally $39.99 & the box says its for 3-5 yrs. DCPI: 082-03-0047 They are 50% at one of my stores now but another store here clearanced them weeks ago. Either way its worth a shot to check it out!
  18. So, I went to the South County store the other day & they had the same Diego trikes that my store marked down a few weeks ago. They are at 50% what day would they be marked again? I have no clue when they were set to 50% but would like to keep an eye on them. They had probably 10 so I'm hopeful I could get it for 75%. Is it just me or are they taking longer to mark down their stuff now? I really hope they don't become like Wal-mart where items sit at a tiny % off forever. The Dora globes have been at 50% for weeks here.
  19. The South County MO store has the Nemo stuff out. Its really cute! We got DS a Nemo snack container. They have lots of pet stuff & some cute barnyard type toys too with the new black dot stuff.
  20. Went to Hallmark yesterday since we needed to get mothers day cards anyways and went back today since he fell in love with the one he got yesterday (and we forgot cards, ooops). DS 2 is too young for them but loved the stuffed animals. So he got the two animals we activated one & he tried to play the games not very successfully though and gave the other code to a friend. Thanks for posting this! I got to make 2 kids days :) He played the games at the store this afternoon & had a blast it was worth it just for the games since he was little & cute he loaded up on candy & goodies!
  21. Finally got 2 kids towels at $2.74 for anyone that shops at the Vogel target there is a Cars hooded towel in the kids bathroom section that is $2.74 but not marked its super cute but DH said we could only get the towel/washcloth combo.
  22. I registered at Target last year when I got married. I had no problems with Target & we did quite a few returns off the registry. But I guess thats something that varies by store & registry situation.
  23. Towels were 30 & 50 here I have yet to see them go 75. Should that have been today? The markdown team at our store is sooo SLOW! They are messing up my deal finding!
  24. I want to say I remember seeing ones with pets, but those were the first to sell out around here. There were 3 sets. The ones I got today were two princess looking Barbies in green dresses both have brown hair. The Barbies in the pink dresses were not clearanced though even though they are pretty much the same things! The other one was a set it had Barbie & she was sitting on a couch. I will try to remember to take pics in the AM so you guys can see if you have them around you!
  25. Towels were not 75% at my store Vogel store had a few barbies left but they hadn't started marking them down & my hubby didn't want to stand around for who knows how long waiting for them to do it. So, went to the South County store & they had quite a few. Only 1 on the endcap but a bunch in the isle & most of them were not actually marked. I picked up 4 Barbie sets & a Fusion music card for under $20 So now I have my nieces covered for Christmas! Any one in St Louis looking for the Fusion cards they had video & music cards both at the South County store. They were all the older kids stuff though so no help for me Oh well we just decided we are just going to put movies on the memory cards for him!
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