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  1. Thanks!! I thought I was losing it for a minute there!
  2. Ummm, they're cheaper at Kroger since you can use the coupon AND the sale price (assuming your store takes internet coupons, which mine does).
  3. Just a heads up for anyone who's interested - I was in Target today and saw the Flor rug sets marked 30% off. They were $100 originally so it's not a great price yet, but hopefully they'll still be around at 75% off. I'm not sure if they're all on clearance, but I do know the Disney ones were (DD wants the princess ones).
  4. Okay, these may be repeats but I didn't see them listed so far... I was at the Arbor Place (Douglasville, GA) Target today and found 3 Barbie sets for $3.74 each (there was a "Pet Boutique Owner" Barbie that came with 2 animals and some furniture, a Barbie and little sister type set, and one with 4 half-sized fairies), Model Magic Foam 3-packs for $3.48 (green/purple/white) and $4.88 (red/blue/yellow), and Princess birthday items (invitations, plates, cups, napkins, tablecloth, wrapping paper, etc) were around $1-3 each. My DD just had her birthday, but these will be great for next year!
  5. Hehehe, thanks! I know that doesn't really help anyone else, but I was so excited!!! I've been going to this Target looking for a good deal for almost a year, and no matter what great finds you guys post, our store's always either out or hasn't marked it down yet. I'm just so happy to finally get a great deal too!
  6. I'd suggest sticking with the free shipping. Restaurants.com always has a code for at least 50% off ($25 cards are reg. $10), which means the most you'd ever pay for a $25 card is $5. I usually get them for $3-4. I think you'd save more on the shipping.
  7. CityGuideNY has BAB coupons for $5 off $25. The part above the coupon says to use it in the 5th Avenue store, but I've used them here in GA with no problems. There's one for February: http://www.cityguideny.com/listingscoupons/BuildABear_1.08.jpg and another one for March (I'm not sure if you can use this one yet, but it is posted on their site): http://www.cityguideny.com/listingscoupons/BuildABear_2.08.jpg HTH! :)
  8. YAY!!! I got my first GREAT Target deal today (I go in there all the time, but our Target is *horrible* about hating coupons and practically refuse them if they're so much as wrinkled... plus they usually sell out of clearance at 30% off). Anyway, I was looking to see if any of the Leapster games were on sale for my DD and right next to them on the shelf was one of the vtech Kidizoom digital cameras that were clearanced after Christmas. I scanned it to be sure and it came up "item not found". So I took it to the cashier and explained that I'd been looking for one and knew they had been clearanced out right after Christmas. It took about 20 minutes and she had to call someone to scan it for the final clearance price, but they ended up letting me have it for $12.49!!! :) It hadn't been opened or anything, so I'm assuming someone found one in the back. This'll make a great present for Easter - my DD's been wanting her own camera for a while now.
  9. Hehehe, thanks!! I don't think I'm supposed to put links on here yet, but it's valid (& hopefully helpful), so I'm hoping no one minds...
  10. Glad to help (& that you could translate my gibberish)! :) I think an employee finally told me about that "rule" - it really screwed me up when I first started doing the RR deals.
  11. Okay, I must have gone before the sale... I went yesterday & got 10 LifeWaters & sure enough, I got 1 $5 GC from it. :) I could only find 1 with a peelie, but I love these waters (& usually pay $1/each), so no big deal!
  12. Where are you? I bought a few the other day & didn't get any gift card. Maybe I'll try again tomorrow...
  13. Did you use the Register Rewards from the first order on the second order? A lot of times, it won't print out the same RR as you used on the deal - try using the RR on a different purchase, then buy the Dimetapp with cash. Hopefully that makes sense...
  14. Nope, the sale starts in stores on 1/3/08
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