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Posts posted by ccrj

  1. must be nice to have an ON close enough to drive to 2 stores for the scarves. Ours is so far away its not worth it ,just for $1 scarves. Booo, I wish they would build one closer

    It is convenient to have two ON's near me (though I'm not an extensive shopper). Come to think of it, there are several chains that are within five miles of where I live--each in two different towns. 2 Kohls, 2 Targets, 2 Five Below, 2 Kmart. It's pretty densely populated so there's plenty of people to support these stores.

  2. FYI, I got mine from Walgreens with MFG coupon and sent in rebate. This week, decided to get a second but couldn't find rebate online. (Thanks tinkrbel for the rebate link. ) But while searching, someone wrote that their mail-in rebate was rejected cuz can't be combined with other offers. The receipts showed the $10.00mfr coupon. I checked the copy of my rebate form and it does state that. So be aware. I'm gonna try again anyway cuz my second purchase was a Walgreens $10.00 coupon. BTW, there's also $5.00 MFG coupon for replacement heads, and I got a $5.00 coupon from Walgreens after purchase. The 2-pack replacements on sale 24.99 @ Walgreens.
  3. The manager at a Walgreen's (NJ) was putting the christmas lights on a cart. I asked if he was moving them, he said, "Yes, upstairs." He said their corporate instructed them to remove all Christmas lights--I assume to put out next year for sale. The manager said this was the first year they were instructed to do this. Guess times are tight for Walgreens. :confused:
  4. There was a man buying a monitor and I gave him my extra coupon. No problem for him or me at the register. I think the cashier did have to do some type of additional step, cuz the cashier said to her co-worker "I need your key." But she didn't say anything to me. Hooray !!


    I just used the coupon but they almost didn't want to give it to me!! The manager asked me if I had already used the coupon and I said no, that I had been sent an email with a link that linked me to their website and printed it out from there.....there was such a huge line that he did an override.


    I didn't know until actually reading on here that each coupon is only to be used once! Thank goodness I stopped myself from giving an extra copy of the coupon to the people behind me!


    Merry Christmas!!

  5. :cheesy:Thanks nodeerhere, Got a Staples brand shredder for 59.99. It was on sale for 39.99. So I got a shredder lubrication packet for 9.99 to bring my total to over 50.00 with the tax. With your coupon, I paid about 26.00 for both. The shredder has a 10.00 mail in rebate. Oh Happy Day !!! The perfect and inexpensive gift for my father who can now shred his junk mail.
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