Well, you made the first mistake by letting a bag of yours wait at customer service until Saturday morning... hello.! it's the weekend before christmas... who would not go immediately back to walmart to get their bag they paid for. Second, you go back to walmart and start shopping first instead of picking up your forgotten items first , I mean yeah its Customer Service, but common, not customer's item daycare.. so yeah the customer service people sounded pathetic at the way they handled the situation but they were just trying to do their job in insuring that the items weren't being stolen, next time if you want fast service then have your reciept with you; this is a busy busy time at walmart, trust me- I work at walmart, and reciepts are like express tickets at universal studios. they get you in and out, you lose a bag? or have a sign rollback problem, then have your reciept that way the time of the incident is known and go directly to a customer service manager, they are the ones who will help you best and quickest. they will either help you straight away or make you wait a second just to verify your case and check the reciept time with video feed in determining whether a sign advertising the price of an item for a cheaper price was truely there when you picked up the item or whether you were the person who left the bag... etc. Take it from someone who knows- you never know who might be a new employee and will bs an answer for you and completely neglect you involuntarily, so if you have a problem skip the average associate(they are just there to 'how may I help you?' with questions regarding location of an item and information over an item, the customer service manager is who you should go directly too. Happy Holidays Oh and please, I beg you- unless your bacon is electronic, don't bring your 2 buggies full of food to the electronics' registers just so you can skip the big line up front... it holds up other customers waiting to check out their games from the game cases, etc., you wouldn't want them to do that to you would ya? the worse though has to be when you get pissed off because we cant weigh your tomatoes you brought back here- I mean what are we suppose to do? memorize the number of the vegetable product if it doesn't have the number on it? and oh my gosh, don't ask us to check if another walmart has a 32" vizio lcd tv the sunday before christmas, they are going to be just as busy so me calling them will take like 25 minutes(for real), why not just be respectful and ask for the number of the other walmart and call them yourself please! you can even say that it is a store to store call just to get slightly faster service. So there- enough said I am tired and I have to get ready to go to walmart to get Mario Galaxy for 37$ :) =The Camper