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Everything posted by olszanski

  1. Eve, thank you for taking this on:D I know these exchanges have to be a lot of work for the person heading them up! I love participating in them:D I just sent my e-mail.
  2. My husband had purchased this for me for Christmas from a local store for $80.00. I was very excited because I wanted a very simple, basic reader. I had to return the first one a week after Christmas because it would no longer turn the pages. Now I need to see what I can do about the second one because it will no longer turn on & I have only used it 10 times:(
  3. I did receive my order on the 29th. Everything that I ordered was included:)
  4. Thanks OP. Great buy for a friend's son stationed overseas!! I am sure he will be quite happy:D
  5. I received an email last evening and they said that they were sorry, but because of the high volume of orders, the orders were taking longer to receive. I ordered on Dec 1. They did not cancel the order, just explained why it was delayed.:)
  6. Awesome! Thanks OP! Found a very nice coat at a very resonable price:)
  7. Thanks OP! Nice find:)
  8. Thanks OP! Super find. I was so excited to find this because a friend just gave me her son's military address overseas and she said that he would love alot of socks in his box of goodies!
  9. Thanks OP! Was able to get some boys pants:).
  10. Great deals, but when I get to the last page to order, it won't go through:( Maybe it is just me. Oh my, I just double checked everything and ALL THREE orders did go through even it said they did not. I cancelled two of them.
  11. Lol, that was what I was wondering after I ordered it. If so, I guess my daughter & I will each have one for traveling.
  12. That would have been perfect for my DH bday, but it says not available.
  13. Thanks OP! Just got them ordered over the phone with no problem!:)
  14. If you are a rewards member, do you have to do anything besides order them to get your rewards?
  15. Nice find! The colors that I like, it will let me put in my cart, but when I go to check out, it tells me they are not available.
  16. I have also ordered from VB in the past and always had great customer service!:)
  17. I was just talking with a coworker today and she was telling me how she loves her Keurig. I just might have to eventually try one.:)
  18. Thanks OP. These are really cute!:)
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