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Everything posted by jqgn99

  1. That price is just for the dresser. It does NOT include the other 5 products. They are sold separately. http://www.amazon.com/South-Shore-White-Natural-Collection/dp/B0002YEU5U/ref=sr_coll_25?ie=UTF8&qid=1238163098
  2. I would suggest that you test it out first. Most home ellipticals does not have the full range of motion as the ones in the gym. The cheaper ones have a more circular range of motion (like a stair stepper) instead of a full elliptical range of motion. I bought this Nordic Track model. http://www.sears.com/shc/s/p_10153_12605_00610438000P?vName=Fitness+%26+Sports&cName=Ellipticals&sbf=Brand&sbv=NordicTrack It works well, but it is quite large (and heavy), and it takes up a lot of space, since it cannot be folded down.
  3. I got mine when i upgraded my dvd burner (old one went bye-bye). it was a Sony dvd burner if I recall. It was just the basic version. You can have him download a trial version from Nero to make sure he likes it first. Then you can buy a copy from NewEgg for @ $55. Hope that helps...
  4. are you looking for the basic version or the ultimate version? Some new CD/DVD burner has the software included.
  5. showing $30.24 now...sigh..i wanted one too...
  6. If that is all that you will be doing, then it will be fine. If you are planning on buying the laptop with Vista, then I would suggest an upgrade on the memory from 1gb to 2gb. You can purchase that from buy.com or somewhere else.
  7. Pro Flower does not ship them pre-arranged. The flowers are usually shipped in a separate box from the vase and other items.
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