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  1. Thanx to both of you!!! The mug at Kryptonite Kollectibles is exactly what I want. Unfortunately, they are out of stock, but I am going to email them and see when they will get some in. Its for my husband so I am sure he won't mind a picture and an IOU. Thank you so much again and have a great holiday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Thank you so much for your reply. I meant the travel mugs, the ones with the lid that you take in the car. Sorry, that is my fault. I have been looking forever and it seems everyone has changed to stainless steel. But again, thank you so much for looking!!!
  3. I am looking for a Miami Dolphins coffee mug. I have seen them, but I need one that will go in the microwave. I have only found the stainless steel ones. Someone please help!!!!
  4. Yes, me too, but I really don't want to pay that much. Uggghh!!! lol. I guess I will just keep searching and crossing my fingers, otherwise...an iou. My daughters fault for bringing this up one week before Christmas!!!!! ) Thank you for looking for me!
  5. Everybody is oos on them. (
  6. I can't find them anywhere!! I would be good with black, grey, brown or tan. Please help!!!
  7. Can anyone tell me where I can find a coupon for Sears or Lowes? Looking to buy a table saw. Thank you!!!
  8. I am looking for a floor standing mirror that also has a jewelry box in it. The mirror opens like a door and you can hang all your jewelry behind it. I would love to find one for $100 or under but I only see them for over $200. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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