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Everything posted by wallydiver

  1. If I ever hit the lottery or make it big time$$$$, I vowed to myself that I would never step foot in another Walmart for as long as I live. This is mostly based on their effect on small town rural communities-that my family and I have come from. Same story different town-about 6 years ago the town mayor and his puppets/people voted in favor to turn the regular Walmart into a Super. To fast forward the story and you all know it, the main mall in town has went down the wayside. 3 Grocery Stores have closed and a number of small mom/pop merchant stores have shut down. I just shake my head thinking about it-the last I read, Walmart opens 3 new stores daily in the United States. Walmart just takes their own sweet time in clearancing merchandise, unlike Target and other competitors, because they can. Look at the warehouse they call a store. Someone above described their clearance items very well in the dusty dirty look. I will add to that in that they almost have a Dollar Store feel to them, but not the Dollar Store price tag. To add insult to injury, I've found toys/action figures that are literally 2-3 years old at Walmart that were once clearanced out, but when I hit the price scanner I noticed that the price on the old figures were actually HIGHER then what they normally sold for.
  2. I've heard throught the grapevine that Target takes their clearanced out leftovers and donates them to the GoodWill-can't be for the tax right off??:) Anyways I've also read on other forums the people that cruise Target each and every day hunting down perimeter clearanced items, that the same people also peruse through the GoodWill store on a weekly basis hunting down Target clearanced items. And I think I have a deal addiction??
  3. Yes, thank you I do understand their marketing ploy to hook people and I have no problem with it. Same with the action figures. The problem I do have is with the Hot Wheels guys. They first go to the Hot Wheels/diecast aisle and raid, then after they're done there (Or if Target didn't stock anything new) they commennce to go right on down to the action figure isle and take all the chase pieces to which ever line of plastic it may be. Highly, highly annoying and irritating. Sorry to bash if you're a Hot Wheeler. I've just learned their practices when I figured out what was going on when I could go to Target on weekend mornings. The kicker to this, I found out that these guys go there daily!
  4. You know why there was a line of men waiting outside of Target at 7:45, they're Hot Wheels collectors. FYI-I can almost guarantee you outside of practically every single Target in the US there are Hot Wheels guys there waiting for Target to open so they can run in for the Hot Wheels display to see if they stocked new cars. They're all searching for TREASURE HUNT cars. ON the Hot Wheels card it says Treasure Hunt on it and it's in Green Writing on the card, you can't miss it. So whenever you're in Target, check the Hot Wheels display to see if you find one, and every single time buy it for a buck if you can find one-just to spite these men. They're usually all gone after the men race in there every morning to fight over that one car. Sorry, I used to collect action figures and I figured out why I could never find certain hard to find ones-the Hot Wheels guys raid the toys every single day and buy all the limited produced stuff.
  5. There are usually always scan ads that float around coming on Thursdays from the major retailers. I haven't seen any Wiis either. But I didn't see the scan ad for TRU. They possible could have some, but I doubt it.
  6. The Sprint Sero plan looks excellent if you know how to work the deal. Especially if you need multiple uses out of your cell phone as in internet, unlimited text messaging, no roaming charges. However in order to qualify for the Sero plan you have to jump through some hoops and it's reportedly only suppose to be for Sprint Employees!! I've had Verizon for 5 years now. Had to sign 3-2 year contract agreements for my basic plan of $45.00/month for 1000 anytime minutes with 0 rollover minutes, no out of state long distance and roaming charges as soon as you hit out of state. They also had a tendency to charge roaming charges as soon as you hit near the border of your state line. I've had to call them multiple times about this. I don't really know if this is a good deal or not. I've heard from everyone that it's pricey for what you get. However this coming December I will be shopping for the best provider that gives phone coverage and internet coverage in the same plan. I can't wait to pick up that Blackberry. I don't know how many times I've needed it only to have to run back to work/home to get online for something.
  7. Thanks so much for the information. I went deal shopping yesterday, Sunday and ALMOST purchased the Zune transmitter from Office Depot that was on clearancr for $45.00. The only good thing that I noticed was that that particular transmitter also recharged your Zune while driving. Again thanks to all for the tip. Now I will just buy one of the cheap cassette hookups that you mentioned. Greatly appreciated!! Sorry if this is a stupid question, what do you all do if you have a CD stereo in your car that doesn't have an imput area to connect your Zune into?? Transmitter??
  8. Hi, thanks so much for the find. I will try to see if I can find one. I got one Brown 30 GB Zune for X-Mas and am now in the process of getting all the accessories and what not. My first MP3 player. I have a couple of questions if you could help me out, I would appreciate it. 1. I know that I have to buy the transmitter to use it in my car, note I have a crappy stock cassette deck radio in it right now (I had multiple car stereos ripped off out of my car so I quite buying them) I think I also need the cassette av input as well. Is this correct?? If anybody can help me out with this that would be awesome. This is my first MP3 player and I would love to be able to play it in my car now. Also any great accessories that I need to know about to pick up??
  9. Hi, I am a newbie to this site and love it. As for the returning the Ipod to Walmart without the receipt, you have 15 days to do this with the receipt, for all MP3 players. I just purchased some Zunes at Walmart this past weekend and noticed this little disclaimer at the bottom of the receipt. It state verbatim: Digital Music Players may be returned for refund or exchange with receipt WITHIN 15 DAYS. So don't get pissed when they tell you to take a hike.
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