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  1. anyone having trouble on the site I am having trouble again 2 times in the last half hour I have filled my cart with over 10 items I went to check it out and it said 0 items in my cart I went back redid the whole order and it did it to me again!!! Im so pissed
  2. Having trouble on site now, got message, constant wait wheel...
  3. thanks, gonna go look.
  4. Thanks a bunch, I'll continue to look on Amazon . & on this thread Thanks for the info. I REALLY hope they do have a deal, missed the boat on the preorder
  5. Maybe i missed a good deal on BF but anyone think that i will find one THIS week or even BEFORE xmas & for less than 40? Anyone already have it, opinions? I checked on amazon & it wont be in stock until january 16
  6. Just hope I done get someone's return, gonna try to think positive. thanks LEN Happy thanksgiving
  7. Thanks lynn I wouldn't know the specs on all the applications my son might want to run but I know its not for gaming I managed to back order the HP 1 terabyte 8 gigabyte 15.6 screen laptop for the price I wanted 499, this morning from Office Depot do you have any idea if I'll actually get this before Christmas I don't have experience ordering from them I suppose if I had gotten up very early or stayed up very late I might've actually got one but I couldn't do it Thanks. Ok LEN sorry it wrote lynn...*
  8. what am i doing wrong I cannot find the BF SALE when I go on their website it's taking too long to look up every little thing why isn't there just some link that says Black Friday items that are available now on the Walmart site what am I missing HELP
  9. I want a laptop that is as similar to this deal that I missed http://www.gottadeal.com/Deal/113265
  10. is there some easy way to look up what is better on laptops that is easily understandable ???? some site ?? something I could refer to that would help me I keep asking people and they either get back to me too late or not at all (not complaining I understand people are busy) but I just not lost another laptop, I got an email that told me it was great, AWESOME processor, go buy it and I go and now it's out of stock at Office Depot. any help would be appreciated I can't tell what all the letters and numbers might mean I know that intel core is good & i want 8 gb but when it comes to the 15 -k h or whatever im screwed.
  11. Oh appreciate your help & recognize you from answer my Questions in the past so thanks.The ho Says Intel core I7 4th generation & 4710 ha And the Lenovo for 539 has Intel core I5 4th generation 421ou And Lenovo 559 (model59436273) has same as $539, above but also says 1,70 ghz 1600kHz 3mb Intel HD graphics All these letters are meant to torture the uneducated consumer
  12. Len theres an hp envy 15.6 with 8gb & 1 TB at office depot now & also a Lenovo same size, also 8gb 1 TB REAL SIMILAR PRICE, NOT used for GAMING, just for college classes, youtube, photos, shopping, email do you have any thoughts on which is better?
  13. I'm looking to get gifts for a boys age group 6-9 should I buy one of nintendo ds variations? Or wii mini or?? I need something the parents can purchase games for in the next few years not something that will be obsolete and discontinued.
  14. Ok i missed the boat i guess, was this sale only Friday?
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