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Everything posted by momnosebest

  1. Thanks for the information.]
  2. :eyepoppinWal-Mart has me so confused. I think I will shop at Target and other stores. To be honest the Wal-Mart here in Louisiana has about 50 registers to check OUTpeople and have only about 5 open every day. I guess BF may be a little different, but I doubt it...
  3. I really do not see anything in the ad that is so great. Maybe I am missing something.
  4. I am glad the bras are on sale. Sometimes I order online at full price. I would like to get sleep pants for gifts also.
  5. momnosebest

    $5 CDs

    I really did not see anything special in the Wal-Mart AD for BF. Am I missing something?
  6. I need to take out all my Christmas things. I have three days off of work and need to go shopping too.
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