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Everything posted by austin944

  1. finally something i can help someone with!!! From experience I've noticed guitar amps hardly ever go on sale. but web sites like guitarcenter.com and musiciansfriend.com do infact have Black Friday specials!!! (I'm almost positive its 20%) if i can recommend, look for a "line 6 spider 3" amp. its perfect for anyone who is learning/home playing and there is practically an unlimited amount of different guitar effects to choose from. (Be sure to check out the $200+ price range for the best sounding amp) I would purchase the amp through musiciansfriend.com because if you need anything or any help they are VERY helpful and reliable! :) hope this helps!
  2. gah.. horrid.. sorry BB... but come on! try to impress us at least!! :[ and worst of all there are no special sales on there guitar center rip off store (which is amazing btw)!!! GEESH!
  3. As cool as it would be, i think i would feel like a jerk.. walking in the doors so easily and early. But its still a cool idea!
  4. Battle Creek here! My friends and i usually put in about 8-10 hours. but you are right.. ITS COLD!!!
  5. congrats! It seems mostly everyone has a "wrost" story to tell!!! XD
  6. Pft!!!! Well its a good idea right???? :)
  7. austin944


    Neat! Meijers is very generous
  8. Owch! "terminate" sounds cruel! whats the deal with not wanting the ADs? Do they think other company's going to copy them or make better deals or somthing????
  9. austin944

    Guitar Center

    Hey, just wondering if anyone recalls Guitar Centers Black Friday deals... I thought it was something like 20% off one item but I cant remember exactly what the deal was!! Any Ideas???
  10. I actually got my hopes up for a minute!!
  11. Bring 500, one dollar bills !!No not really, but a debit card or visa gift card will do the trick!
  12. hmmm.. if it was open on that day.. why not just put what you want in your cart and wait inside the store!! LOL! :]
  13. WOW! I laughed just a little... lets all hope Best Buy and the other more POPULAR stores dont follow this trend!! GEESH!
  14. Yesterday at Meijer they were 2 for 25$!
  15. That sucks :/ never been there before thou
  16. I would bring "the kid" if they were around 12+, anything earlier is abit much
  17. i HOPE this year will be awesome! I agree with Lanhawk thou, i also think we wil see some sweet deals this year!
  18. Great Idea, ill try and show up!
  19. Thanks for these videos.. that first Video is funny! I go to a Best Buy near Grand Rapids Michigan!! :)
  20. I was at Wal Mart today, Elmo Signs everywhere!!
  21. As soon as the Ad comes out, for sure :)
  22. each year people go earlier and earlier. This years going to be pretty interesting! ive very excited for the outcome! (and the day itself of course)
  23. bargins' are great and all!! but BF is BF!
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