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Everything posted by bugsette

  1. oh I would agree... I think I've seen these in the store and they look pretty nice
  2. I think I saw those in the stores for 10.00 very nice if that's what I saw
  3. also the $5.00 ones are in the Oprah, Martha Stewart magazine and I think one more but I can't remember
  4. ok saw them at a Kisok at a mall 19.99
  5. Any deals on North Face Jackets don't know where to begin.... thanks
  6. gosh!!!!! this is the best... so many great deals... so many neat people
  7. thanks everyone!!!!!!
  8. thank you we have gotten a tv washer, dryer and a fridge from them
  9. oh my
  10. I've had i since July so far so good
  11. well not excited this year.... not even for turkey day... I lost my mom this year.... going to a sad one.
  12. I loved that show
  13. ok.... nothing like the turkey posted by Illinoismom..... but here goes Celery sticks filled with cream cheese and cut up green olives with the red things in the middle.... sorry it's been a long day
  14. oh my that turkey is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute
  15. I got my husband one last year.... it was a team log one he loves it
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