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Everything posted by bugsette

  1. wow at Marshallsl thanks
  2. thanks most places are not near me but again thanks for posting it Happy Mother's Day!!!!
  3. still stuck in Easter
  4. thanks but not using firefox
  5. I just tried again guess I'm stuck in Easter
  6. I guess no one else is having troubles
  7. yep.... lol
  8. I thought it was just me I was just getting to start a thread...... or I thought Brad didn't like the Cleveland Indians.... but tried 6 others
  9. too late but thanks
  10. I have gotten one of those in a few years
  11. thanks but it's too cold and to go out
  12. oh my 3 carts!!!!! sorry that's way too much for one person I bet she was going to resale
  13. The one that I was in today was 75%, didn't buy anything
  14. does anyone know if you can get they shipped to the store for free??
  15. I have not look in the paper today yes but for the last several years they have had BIG sales
  16. Congrats!!!!!!!!!!
  17. they do have fast delivery
  18. isn't today the day for free shipping for many sites
  19. is that the file bag boy is that cute
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