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About sallaugh

  • Birthday 01/18/1948
  1. Is the 250gb better than 4g
  2. Why cant I get the scanned ad to open when I double click on the ad it brings up the Macy website
  3. sallaugh


    Went to our local TRU today they are offering layaway for any items except clearance. Got all my Christmas shopping done. Thanks TRU
  4. Went to Target found Seal a Meal for $7.48 Deal of the Year
  5. I have this one and LOooove it. The Starbucks pods are the best.
  6. Does anyone know about this and what will be on sale saw a preview of the ad anyone seen this ad
  7. what is the price for the sanyo tv?
  8. Thanks Brad you do an awesome job
  9. give us a link to the toy book please
  10. sallaugh

    Big Toy Book

    Brad will we get to see what you have? :)
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