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Posts posted by ralphtory

  1. It was the 256 MB version...Didn't really matter to me, because I will be getting the hard drive. There was no advertisement for continued sale, but I asked them to scan it and the gift card popped up for them to put a $100 on. Is still in their system, but it may be linked to specific product brought in for that sale. Worth a try. I used the card before I even left the store
  2. Well, I had said i was through for DD4. But, all she had been asking for was the barbie throne and belle's tea party. I had told her no and already bought others. THEN, i read this thread and saw the throne was on sale. Of course, I couldn't pass it up :) She'll be so surpised Christmas morning....can't wait! Also, OF COURSE, there was a linkn for the tea party on the throne page and it is also on sale. Couldn't pass it up either :)


    However, I thinnk I may now have to reevaluate some of the other purchases and return a few.

  3. i bought my daughter the vtech tote n go laptop. she just turned four. i think it would be fine for threee as well. looks like a real laptop to her and no cartridges to buy. about 30 different activities on it. Some she can play now and some probably in a year, so should be fun for a while.


    in store at walmart and target for under $20

  4. My Walmart was great! Got there at 4:30 and scoped out where my smaller items (tool chest and shop vac) were located. Then headed over to find the camcorder. Well, it did take some time to find it because it was on the same pallet with some cameras and there were only eight of them. Luckily, no one else had found them yet. By the time they opened up the pallets, only six of us had figured out where they were and had no problem getting mine. I did, however, hear lots of people complaining to management that they didn't have any camcorders as advertised. I just kept my mouth shut :)
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