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  1. My order status says canceled....Hope they credit my account....
  2. Shipping is suppose to be free.....I'll be waiting for the "your order has been canceled" email... I bought the boys shirts buy 3 get 1 free * Brooklyn MintSkys The Limit New Tee * Item #:7387574 * Size:LRG * Color:BLUE Was $22.50 Discount: One for $8.00 1 $8.00 Brooklyn Mint Skys The Limit New Tee * Brooklyn MintSkys The Limit New Tee * Item #:7387582 * Size:XLRG * Color:BLUE Was $22.50 Discount: 3 for FREE 3 $16.00 Metal Mulisha Fabulous Glitter Tee * Metal MulishaFabulous Glitter Tee * Item #:7728496 * Size:XLRG * Color:BLACK Was $14.99 Discount: 4 for FREE 4 $0.00 Merchandise: $24.00 Standard Shipping: FREE Tax: $1.86 Order Total: $25.86
  3. http://www.amazon.com/Trival-Pursuit-4179-Trivial-Digital/dp/B0013WF6A8/ref=sr_1_195?s=toys-and-games&ie=UTF8&qid=1291402677&sr=1-195 http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51MDvwboVcL._SL500_AA300_.jpg List Price: $49.99 Price: $11.52 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25 You Save: $38.47 (77%)
  4. I would buy it for my son who graduated this year. It would be a good keepsake and keep him warm in his dorm :-) :-) :-)
  5. $99 min purchase for free shipping
  6. In Store coupon: http://dh6hutlmrq9rx.cloudfront.net/friendsandfamily/citisavingspass.pdf From their facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/Macys?v=app_165188103521443
  7. Use either Macysfriend or Macysff to get 25% off at Macys.com (includes North Face)
  8. macysfriend 25% off Free Shipping for more than $99 http://www.macys.com/campaign/landing/hp/friendsfamily_113010.jsp?cm_mmc=MCOM-_-20101201_MCOM_FriendsFamily-_-friendsandfamily-_-n&[email protected] 11/30- 12/6
  9. It might just be me (my luck is never good) but it seems that there are many store this year that are advertising merchandise that they do not have in stock. I can understand things selling out but I have put things in my cart and then found out it is out of stock. I have even checked out and then gotten an email a couple days after my order to say that my order has been canceled because they are out of stock. One store was sold out of an item before Thanksgiving but still had it on sale CM and showed it available until you tried to check out. With all the technology out there you would think that if they have 10, once 10 have been ordered, the item would show no longer available. It is just frustrating that I think I'm done shopping only to find out I not.... Anyone else having the same luck?
  10. Thanks! JCPenney is kind enough to let me put it into my bag, fill out all the info and THEN lets me know that it is no longer available :-(
  11. SIL wants one...just found out after BF and CM...UGH... Any suggestions?? TIA!!!
  12. Each of the small diamonds are between .01 and .08 ct. If you add up all of the weight of the little diamonds on the bracelet they would total 2 cts Oh and Hi neighbor
  13. Thanks for posting this...hubby bought it for me for Christmas :-) Bought an other small Christmas gift ($3.99) and used the THKSCAPC code to get 20% off. Just an FYI, it can't be shipped to the store. (I tried that to be able to get the free shipping) Thanks again! :-)
  14. Thank You so much!...just wish that they still had the roomba online :-(
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