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Everything posted by melis108

  1. I'm in the Phoenix area. I was actually hoping to get it at Target. Has anyone been able to see these bundles in the stores? I've been looking, but I haven't found them anywhere. Are they just coming out on BF? Thanks for the tips! :)
  2. I've seen the Mario and Brain Age bundles on BF ads Target, Best Buy, TRU, Game Stop (I think). I really want to get one for all 3 of my kids for Christmas. I will be shopping with my mom and sister, so if there is a limit per person, we can just each get one. What should I do to make sure I get all 3. I want 2 of the Mario bundles and 1 Brain Age bundle. I'm willing to go out Thursday night late and pull an all-nighter, but I'm not going to miss out on Thanksgiving to wait in line. What do you guys suggest? I have all of these stores within 20 miles of my house.
  3. Standing in line forever Racing to Housewares Oh Man! She got my vaccuum!
  4. So, you already have your ticket, too?
  5. So, can I just take the ticket I already have straight to the cash register? And, will my husband divorce me if I send HIM running through the store for the tree?
  6. How do I find this kind of information? Do I just go ask the associates or send a spy in?
  7. I went down to Sears yesterday to look at the tree that will be on Sale on Friday. I really liked it so I asked one of the employees if I bought it now would I be able to get a price adjustment. He told me that I had to be there on Friday to get that price. He also said that people will probably camp out the night before to get one. I just happened to walk out of the store with one of the tickets you use to buy the tree. I only had it because I was going to buy it if I could get the price adjusted later. So, what is my best bet? I've never shopped on Black Friday and now I'm all stressed out about getting this tree. Any suggestions to ensure I get the tree? (And, I mean without shoving people out of my way!)
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