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  1. Its 50% off here in OC
  2. Funny, because I only use my Kohls Card when there is a sale.
  3. http://www.kohls.com/kohlsStore/clearance/shoes/PRD~4219/Bali+Double+Support+Bra.jsp These are the bigger sized bras. I think the smallest is 36, but after using the code for free ship MVC2528 And 30% off GRAND30OFF comes out with tax like $5.xx
  4. Well looks like today they announced that all US stores are closing, maybe thats why you cant put anything in the cart, you know its a shame. CC had some awesome stuff online for a good price in their outlet. I'm gonna miss that store.
  5. I got the rip curl bag for 8.xx shipped! Awesome deal!!!
  6. get an additional 30% off by using EKNCPND9 Worked for me! I got 1 doll, 1 tea set, I snow white outfit, and the slippers for a totally of 17.XX shipped!
  7. hmm... quick question, Is the price stated the 50% off or is it an additional 50 from the price in red, cause I filled up my cart and was hoping the half off would come when I checked out, but nope. Oh well, Loved the stuff but I would rather wait
  8. Girls Bibbed Bomber Jackets Dark Roast Cof M 8.49 Boys Twill Shorts New Black 7 Slim 4.99 Women's Mid-Rise - "The Flir Dark Worn 10 Reg 9.99 V-Neck Henleys for Baby Blue Butterfly 5T 3.99 Button-Trim Leggings for Bab Blue Butterfly 5T 3.99 Summary of Charges Order Subtotal: 31.45 Promotions: -6.29 Shipping & Handling: Free Tax: 1.95 Order Total: 27.11 ON will always seem to have the best deals, the boomer jacket for my little one is what I am waiting for. :)
  9. no worries
  10. Well yeah I know the game comes with it, but what I dont want is all the little stuff you might or might not use like the take along bag and what not. :)
  11. oooo thanks for the tips!! It my fault why I didnt buy the wii fit when I saw it, but I thought It would have a better package deal then whats out. I could'nt get the amazon alerts to work but the wiialerts is all set up and ready to go for me. Just need to wait now i guess. Oh by the way TRU has the wii fit bundle, but I just want the balance board.
  12. Thanks!! Also use J6A to get .99 shipping AND 15% off.
  13. Ahh bummer, all they have left is the lilac in a 7 or something, nothing left for the little ones. These would of been great for our next camping trip. Oh well, guess I'll look for them on Ebay or somethin... Thanks for the great find!
  14. What link do you click or where do you go to sign up and get the fast pass, I am in totally need of books for my preschoolers class and I am a Bookfair Mom.
  15. Pretty sweet! I did two differant orders, I used the FReeSC in one and the atspa for the other. All I had to pay is the S&H for both orders, So I ended up paying 12 bucks for 3 splashes and the Ylang Ylang Wash. Pretty good considering one bottle of Splash is 10.50 + tax alone in the store. But here its FREE!!!
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