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Posts posted by sastolfi

  1. If I can ask I too am looking for a new printer that is wifi enabled and does not cost a fortune in replacement ink. Have 2 college age kids who do a lot of printing for school and we are always buying ink cartridges and it's getting expensive.
  2. If you don't want to buy a new Ipod touch try going to the apple store online. I bought myself a refurbished Ipod nano for $100.00 and it has a new case, new earbuds and warranty. I have had no problems with it. I also ordered an Ipod Touch refurb for only 150.00 and no problems with that one either.
  3. It concerns me a bit. A couple of years ago at Easter Time my husband and I went to Walmart to get a couple of video games and I was price matching. I gave the guy my ad to get the price match and he handed it back to me. Afterward I heard him say to a co-worker that his wife and baby were home sick with the flu. Sure enough I ended up with the worst flu the next day. So we are taking our chances on getting out there with people who are are not smart enough to stay home when they are sick or have been exposed!!!
  4. Please tell me why people take their small children with them on Black Friday? I just can't understand why you would take small kids with all the crazy stuff going on in the stores. If you don't have a babysitter then you should stay home and do online shopping or have someone who is going get your stuff.
  5. Do you have friends/family who want to go with you on BF but you are not sure if you want to take them with you as they might slow you down??


    I am very organized for BF, know what I want and what stores I am going to. I have taken friends in the past who just don't have a plan and they slow me down. My girlfriend and I go as a team, she can get small items that we want and I can stand in line for the electronics and such. We switch off and it works well for us. We have gotten everything we want every year. This year we have a friend who wants to come and I almost want to say no to her but she has no one to go with.

  6. Went to Meijer on Friday and they don't have layaway. Was going to purchase everything that I wanted at full price and then come back in with my receipts for price adjustments and was told they will not do it. I would have to return everything and it would have to be put back to stock and then repurchased. Was really bummed out.
  7. To the Meijer employee, I am not looking to price match just get what is going to be on sale for TG day and BF. I was thinking of putting everything that I want in lay away. 2 seperate lay aways one for TG and one for BF to ensure that I get what I want. Of course I will take it out of layaway during the specials. Have you heard anything about not allowing this?
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