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Posts posted by jmcdon00

  1. "Repeal of obamacare which will leave many with high health care costs"


    Ahh yes.

    Because everyone's costs have been dropping so substantially over the past few years.




    Not trying to start a political debate, but millions of the poor are getting free health thanks to Obama Care and the expansion of medicaid. And millions more of low income workers are recieving subsidies through the exchanges. If they just revoke it without immediately replacing it millions of people will lose there insurance and have to pay more to replace it.

  2. 7 or 8 years ago my buddy and I waited all night in front of Toys r Us to buy Zune media players, just so we could resell them. They were $200 everywhere else but we got them for $100. Last minute we bought some other things that were on sale, nintendo DS and accessories. Really wasn't worth it. We did make some money on the Zune but the other stuff we just broke even on. Really wasn't worth the effort, although we did have a great time waiting in line.

  3. I had to upgrade to a plus membership. Line started forming at 3:30. I sat in the truck until about 4:00 , listening to the Vikings game, while still monitoring the line. I was 6th in line. It was a long cold 3 hours. Don't forget your chairs, and keep your feet warm. Went very smooth, they started giving out tickets around 6pm, just for the 70 vizio, laptop, and cell phones. They didn't hand out tickets for the samsung tvs at all. 


    I got my 70" vizio, and picked up the vacuum for my parents. Had the TV home, unpacked, hooked up and hanging on the wall in time for the second half of Sunday Night Football. It's entirely too big, and I love it. 

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  4. We need one moderately big retailer who opened up on Thanksgiving last year or this ear to make a big announcement that the trend that's been happening is WRONG and that they are going back to a true "Black Friday" opening.  With public support, I bet there will be a domino effect back the other way.  Maybe not all the retailers, but enough.  

    I doubt this will ever happen. It's all about the money. Millions of people will shop at Wal-mart on Thanksgiving day. If they were not open most of those people would go to Target. 

  5. Lady at the walmart near where we are for thanksgiving told me that tv's were the thing that were returned the most for them.

    I bet this is often from people finding better deal later, not that there was something wrong with the tv. 

  6. I went last year and bought a 60" vizio for my dad for $698(he gave me the money, I'm not that good a gift giver). I did not have a plus membership, but I did have a business card, not sure if that makes a difference. I got there about noon for the 7pm opening thinking there was a line, but ended up sitting in the truck as there was no line until about 5:30pm.  It's a really great TV, while not an expert on such things I'm amazed at the picture quality. The TV is still selling for $978 at Sam's club. 


    This year I'm going again, this time to get the 70" vizio for myself($998). I think it's the best deal I've seen, and not being on black friday I don't expect the lines to be as long as for other "door buster" type deals(although I'll probably get there around noon again to make sure I get it). 


    I would like clarification on whether you need be a plus member, or business member, to get in. I don't think you do. 

  7. So I went into sams this morning to see if they have the 65" Vizio on the Sunday pre sale for plus members they looked through their ad and said they only see a 60" for 668 now I'm nervous that they won't actually have a 65" on bf they didn't have any non 3d in store either which was weird.

    I don't think they have the 65" on Sunday, and they don't have the 60" on black friday. Two seperate sales. Also I don't think you need to be a plus member for the Sunday sale, at least I hope not.
  8. Sounds like a great deal for Walmart. They get people to buy more than they can afford. At the same time they will make millions if not billions in extra fees from customers.

    Maybe I'm just a bit cynical. I just don't see the point, I think they are just targeting cash strapped families that can't manage their money. As a result many families will have a little less at christmas time. As far as hiding presents from the kids, you still have to pick them up before christmas and hide them for a short while so I don't see the benefit.

    I'm suprised that a site so dedicated to saving money has so many eager to pay additional fees.

  9. I doubt they have much of a sale. There prices are always very good. I go there for all my computer needs. Selection is the biggest around too, always get exactly what I want.
  10. Just for the record... dont expect to return any electroninc that you purchase. Most places we have found in the last year or so have changed their return policies on pretty much everything. We have noticed, as well as friends.

    I think with the economy, people have made many purchases they cant really afford and once they realize this they are bringing these items back.

    I try to buy new when I do buy electronis items... we seldom buy refurbs. I wouldnt buy a refurb computer, but thts just me, I wouldnt buy a return computer either. I would imagine that alot of effort goes back into them to make sure they can be resold at some point, as with any other item like this.

    That being said... no ill will inteneded here by any of this.


    Yes be careful to read all retunr policies! Ask questions if your not sure and get it in writing if need be, with the sales associates name and employee number if you can!

    Have a great holiday season guys! :o)

    I think another reason other than the economy is people returning things to get a better one. Buy a laptop today and chances are in 3 months there is a better one for the same price. Same with cel phones, TV's videos games ect. I had a friend who returned his Iphone the day the new Iphone came out, because he wanted the newer one.

  11. Hrmm I don't know about this, I don't think that will stick with many people. So are you saying whenever I sell things on ebay or craigslist (things at home maybe I don't need anymore, or maybe a gift I got that I'd rather sell off for money but don't have the receipt to do so) that's business and I should claim that on my taxes? That sounds pretty unlikely to me that anyone would do that. How about a little girl selling lemonade, should her parents report that during tax time? That argument just doesn't hold up very well. But here let me list some UNBIASED pros and cons of this issue:


    PROS: You can make a little profit to be used towards your spending, You can help someone out by selling them a ticket they otherwise wouldn't of gotten because of their place in line.


    CONS: It is illegal in SOME states (though this is up for debate on whether or not they could actually charge you BUT if the BB management so chose to kick you out then that's totally up to them they 'RESERVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE SERVICE TO ANYONE'. You may be taking a ticket someone otherwise would have gotten but are now selling it off, You add to creating a vicious chain of other ticket sellers who may next year be ahead of you and take YOUR ticket, you can potentially waste someone's time in line.


    That's pretty much it, but as you can see it's all pretty much subjective and I personally don't lean either way because it just depends on the person and their own morals. I may choose to sell tickets myself and I wouldn't feel bad doing it.

    As far as the taxes, most people who sell things on ebay actually paid more for them than what they are selling them for, so there is no profit. But if you bought a $300 laptop and sell it for $500 then you have a $200 profit and that is taxable and would be claimed as business income on a schedule C. Many states also require you to pay sales tax on the difference(you already paid it on the first $300).


    Your basis in a gift is the value on the day you recieved it. So as long as it didn't go up you would not have any income to report.


    If you did have a profit you could use expenses such as mileage to and from the store and possibly your supplies while waiting(coffee?). You could potentially even take a loss on your taxes if you lost money, although there has to be a profit motive.

  12. Totally ethical. Just like it is ethical to buy something and then turn around and sell it for a profit. You earned the right to purchase the item at a reduced price and if you wan the tv and not the laptop then sell your ticket for the laptop, you just got the tv even cheaper.

    The only exception to this rule is if there are rules posted that dissallow it.

  13. honestly, i still say anyone lining up thanksgiving day is a bit kooky - i don't think there could ever be a deal that would make me do that! i know a lot of people do it for cheap computer deals, but i think past years have shown that these tend to be rather poor technology with limited features, etc.


    i was thinking i would just go out around 5 this year, until i found out some places are opening at 4 - ugh! so i'm still calculating when i need to leave


    am i the only person who just doesn't go to sleep? that way works much better for me than trying to get up after only a few hours - i can't function!

    I think some of the laptops are several hundred dollars cheaper if you are one of the first people in line. So if you divide that by how many hours you spend waiting then decide if it is worth it.


    I think you are crazy to go at 5 when the stores are completely packed with a line just to get in and then you are not even getting the best deals.


    Just my opinion.

  14. Still working on my strategy but it is sounding like I have to get out by early afternoon. My plan is to try to sell stuff on ebay for a profit. Maybe I can make a couple hundred bucks in a day. Has anyone else ever tried to make a profit? Did you have success? What items were most profitable?
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