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Posts posted by clhardison

  1. Last year I bought what I wanted from Walmart.com at 3 am Central Time...Then left the house and headed to the city for the stores. Had the items shipped to the store for free and I think it was there within 10 days. So worth not having to deal with the Walmart Crowd and I got what was in the ad. Will be doing again this year.
  2. My cousin and I drive 65 miles every year and get to the stores when they open. We both love shopping WITHOUT KIDS and then we treat ourselves to Olive Garden every year for lunch. We have been doing this for the last 5 years and look forward to October when the ads start coming in. We wished we could shop all day but our husbands are usually calling us about 3 pm asking if were done yet. They just dont understand. lol
  3. Where I live a lot of companies never do anything for their employees. Where I work they give us a ham and a $100 bill. My previous employer gave us some gifts at the company party like coats, luggage and some other stuff I cant remember. My husband's employer gives the whole plant off from Dec 25 till Jan 5, WITHOUT pay, unless you have vacation or pto left and you can use that otherwise your screwed. Needless to say my $100 usually goes towards bills.
  4. I work for my family and every year they give all the employee a Ham for christmas. A local grocery store in the past has given discounts for buying so many. If you so some kind of food make sure that you order plenty in advance cause it would take a week or more to get several of them shipped to the store.
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