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Posts posted by my4bearcubs

  1. That is a tearjerker. But what a great story to hear to help remind us all what Christmas is about. I know I personally get so caught up in what I am getting all of my kids and making sure they have a great Christmas. Last year we started getting gifts for kids who are in our local Child Services. I made sure my children were involved in purchasing, wrapping...etc. I really like knowing I am purchasing a specific gift a child in need has asked for.


    Anyway - thanks for the reminder. I love reading the stories from others and what they do to help co-workers, friends, strangers. Really makes you think.

  2. I have a great start with all 4 of my kids. 3 of them are getting the new Ipods so obviously I have not bought those. Not sure what the big gift for my oldest will be. I start in the early summer. When my kids were younger I shopped year round - it was easier to pick up nice toys that were on clearance. It gets harder as they grow out of toys. I am happy with my progress this year. I even have a good start on my hubby.
  3. I seem to always get a Rubbermaid set (my DH fusses everytime, but during the year the sock monster eats them too). Batteries is someone has the Duracell's B1G1. Other random things that when I get home and unload my loot, I think why in the world did I buy that and I stick it in the closet until I can come up with someone to "pawn" it off on...LOL. Am I the only one that does that?


    I am sooooo like you! Rubbermaid but I also buy the cheaper appliances they have just because then I hope I need them for a gift. I also always seem to grab whatever everyone else is grabbing because well it must be a must have! When I get home I am often like - what in the world did I buy. I will be honest and say that I do return items because I was just on the high of Black Friday shopping.

  4. My 14 y/o daughter wants a decent camera for Christmas - well she wants one that is like $600-700 - no way is she getting one that expensive. Does anyone have any good suggestions for a decent camera that has 1080p video and at least 15-20 shooting/scene modes? There are so many out there - just not sure what is good and I have been getting overwhelmed. I want to hopefully stay in the $200 range and actually hoping for a good deal on BF somewhere. Thanks for the help!!!!
  5. It has a model # in the ad, and it matches the one in the store. Same price and everything. It is worth a try, if it won't work I'll just take it back. No harm no foul!

    I would call your Target - I believe they will not price adjust for doorbuster items. I would hate for you to waste your time buying the tv only to have to return it if you want it for the doorbuster price.

  6. No you can't use more than one coupon. I went on Sunday and had the $10 off $30 and a free item if you spend over $10. They would only let me use one coupon!

    I have also used multiple coupons at my BBW - several times actually. I just used the 10 off 30 and the free item coupon this past weekend. Just depends on your store.

  7. TRU would have to be holding my child/husband ransom for me to make it a first stop...and even then it would probably depend on the last 24 hrs of behavior


    ETA: Didnt someone get shot at a TRU last year?


    Ok - that made me laugh so hard - I needed that this am!! I am so with ya on that comment!

  8. I cannot get this darn thing to load. :( I thought maybe it would just take awhile, so I left it loading while I went into town for 2 hours. Nope. Still didn't load.


    Am I missing anything great???


    Personally - I think it stinks and I am really disappointed in both Target and TRU Toy Books this year. But that is just my opinion.

  9. I'm much more impressed with Meijer's ad compared to Toys R Us and Target.

    I am with you there!! Meijer's toy ad is fantastic. I really think both TRU and now Target stink with their Toybooks this year. Bummer!

  10. All I want is the Nintendo DS Bundle - Zelda. I have never done BB on Black Friday and after reading all of the posts about standing in line and how early to get there - I am scared to death!! Does anyone think this will be a hot item that will sell out quickly - quick enough that I should just forget it. I did not plan on getting there until 2-3a before the store opens. I am in Columbus, Ohio and plan on going to the one in Tuttle (this is added just in case anyone lives in my area).



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