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Posts posted by patcal1

  1. Per Walmart's email to me ( 11/10)

    - Walmart.com will not price match online.......

    Also, Does anyone know if Kohls will price match online with online retailers- or should i ask WHICH online stores WILL price match other online stores for Black Friday etc.?

  2. I had the same problem at the Sandusky store..... even called Mgr. over and she stated that price is marked on red sticker. Then also continued to say" it states 70% but priced is clearly marked". All other items in that sections were 70% off. Sandusky Target also wants you to go to Customer Service to price match AND show ad AND KEEP THE AD. Any of your Targets require all this to price match???????
  3. I went to the Sandusky Target yesterday and bought several items that had clearance stickers on them( Air wick- 3 pack- Hawaiian Breeze-Lysol 3 pack toilet bowl cleaner) and was told at the check-out that no coupons allowed on any items that were located in the bodega area. Huh??? I had both Target coupons and Mfg. Coupons--- They would not allow any.They said it was a new policy??? Anyone heard of this? How did you get the diapers and use the coupons? I took 1/2 of my stuff back.
  4. The Cookies I purchased ( which were all in the same Aisle and there were at least 20+ same kind)- Scanned 2.50--- Orig. 3.09-- saved .59 cents)- Not even close to 30%-- so can you imagine how much Target made on all those unexpecting people??? Forgot to tell you when I called LD( my closest target is 25 miles away)- and asked for Mgr.- They asked me who was calling etc.- and I asked them their name and they wouldnt tell me ....I asked who the mgr was on duty at that time- and they wouldnt tell me that either.....UNTIL- I insisted I know who I was speaking to. This Target changes Policies all the time... when its convenient for them- Again thanks for listening and who Do I contact in regards to all the mispricing signs....happens on a regular basis here. The Store is in 44870 zip.
  5. The Cookies I purchased ( which were all in the same Aisle and there were at least 20+ same kind)- Scanned 2.50--- Orig. 3.09-- saved .59 cents)- Not even close to 30%-- so can you imagine how much Target made on all those unexpecting people??? Forgot to tell you when I called LD( my closest target is 25 miles away)- and asked for Mgr.- They asked me who was calling etc.- and I asked them their name and they wouldnt tell me ....I asked who the mgr was on duty at that time- and they wouldnt tell me that either.....UNTIL- I insisted I know who I was speaking to. This Target changes Policies all the time... when its convenient for them- Again thanks for listening and who Do I contact in regards to all the mispricing signs....happens on a regular basis here. The Store is in 44870 zip.
  6. Sandusky Ohio- Last evening-12/30/ at 9:40 PM- Had over 50 + packages of pepperidge Farm Xmas cookies- Chocolate pretzels etc. in aisle marked - 50% off --- But when you got to check out- rang up less than 17% off - I noticed it but many people -I am sure- did not. One lady had approx. 10 packs of Cookies in her cart. Same with Pez xmas containers etc.--- I called and spoke to MGR. today-and she said - -- Food only 30% -- and decorations are now 70% as of this AM. She tried to tell me that EMPLOYEE MUST OF PUT UP WRONG SIGN( I had even asked employee who was back there about pricing before I purchased.) I then asked her if that was the case she should honor the 50% pricing. She said - No..... Target( with their awful online customer service and in store service) lost over 500. from me in the last 2 months. I was so upset with them in November that I didnt go back. Thought - give them a try again..... WRONG! Corporate just doesnt seem to care! Any suggestions!!!?? Thanks for letting me Vent!
  7. Yes- I totally agree---- takes website forever to load- many times - no prices listed- and when you order they cant understand 1/2 of what you are saying--- and when you do ask for supervisor- have to explain all again-- they usually just repeat same thing over and OVER again. I will not order from them again either.....WORST online ordering help ever!! Then to top it off- at the local Sandusky Ohio store---One check-out person will say- can price match at register- other will say- cant- changes daily. I spoke to someone in Customer relations (Mpls.) and they said they would bring this all up at weekly meetings. Doesnt do me any good now....I will just go to Walmart- Target lost over 400.00 of my business this holiday season. Maybe- Just Maybe- if we all complain- someone will do something!!!!!!!!!! Now- I'm done venting!
  8. What has anyone experienced about the price matching policies in regards to the store keeping the ads? Also, are you finding that some stores will price match at the check-outs and other stores still require you to take all price matches to the customer service desk? There does not seem to be any CORPORATE policy on either as I have called and emailed. Anyone having problems will printing the coupons ?
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