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Everything posted by mel_b

  1. Jr. Astronaut Helmet with sounds Other products by Aeromax 3.5 out of 5 stars See all reviews (28 customer reviews) List Price: $44.99 Price: $5.99 & eligible for free shipping with Amazon Prime You Save: $39.00 (87%) http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/419RCHYA3EL._SL500_AA280_.jpg
  2. Wild Planet Hyper Dash [Amazon Frustration-Free Packaging] Buy new: $29.99 NOW $7.99 (down from 9.99)
  3. This was a lightening deal a day or so ago for less than $40.00 (cant remember price)!
  4. I guess it cannot be used on sale items....but i'm still looking- thanks!
  5. Thanks for posting...I think i will run up to Aldi's this evening...luckily it is less than a mile away! they have them at my local TRU store, but I think pricier?? Cant remember!
  6. Not working for me either
  7. Arghh! I keep getting this:
  8. no deal here either
  9. I wish your manager could call my manager LOL!
  10. Hmm...mine had a bin of DVD's for 9.99 or less, I wonder is they through the games in the bin by accident!
  11. I was just there...my store has them at the regular 19.99, the manager scanned them to check for me. They were moved from the gift area to the register area.
  12. I noticed that they were opening boxes and stocking more too, so perhaps it would be worthwhile to go back and check for new items.
  13. I was wondering if they would mark them down too!
  14. Darn.....mixed reviews, but a new update available from Sony....but oos I hate when it says Instock, but OOS when you continue
  15. I was just at one of our KBtoys this afternoon. All items were 50% off. While the shelves were pretty bare, I saw numerous items I had purchased for Xmas. Handy Manny, Little Einstein, etc. My mom scored some Star Wars figures for my son :) Oh...and she also bought some trading cards for another friend. So, I could have bought a bunch of stuff...but I had self-control!!
  16. They have coupons to clip on their website...but they also had them at the entryways and registers!
  17. That is a GREAT Bargain!
  18. http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/12142-USA/Canon_2514A002BA_Normal_EF_50mm_f_1_8.html You can buy it at other places like Amazon too. PLEASE NOTE...this is a "prime lens" so it will not zoom..your body is the zoom lol I could go into a more detailed explanation...but i do not want to bore you all! BTW...if you do lots of portraits...go for 85mm next!
  19. I thought the 40d did come down since the 50d is out?
  20. Yeah...it is a DSLR, it has a larger sensor and more functions. If you want a great lens that is cheap...get the "nifty-fifty" prime lens Actually..the rebel is a lot lighter than my 5d!
  21. It is a nice camera for a consumer and for the entry level photographer. A lot Canon photographers use their canons as back-ups to 5d's and Mark cameras. xt...xti...xs...xsi.... are the way the rebels go. :)
  22. Sorry to hear this! I received my shipment while my bank still showed the payment as pending- very fast. A friend just placed an order not too long ago..I will have to see how their experience was.
  23. BTW---this is a GREAT DEAL!!! This game is now hard to find at a lot of places. I have to call my SIL now and tell her! THANKS OP!!!!
  24. Yeah...we cannot play PS2 games on our PS3 but we can play PS1 games. here is a link...but verify the answers: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=An90GI8PHEtLOOlUL7LUzssjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20071117182313AA0isxy
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