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Everything posted by jrkelley

  1. Where do I find the BF sales tracker?
  2. WOW ~ and I thought I was crazy 2 years ago for showing up at midnight for a Wii....it wasn't BF just a week that they had x number in the ad. I hope I never need anything this badly!
  3. Anyone have a 5 year old with a DS? If so what games do they play? My son really has wanted one for about a year ever since his older cousin got one so we are buying one from another cousin who has gotten too old for it but her younger sister is keeping the games so I need to pick up some games for him and am having a hard time finding games that I think he can manage. He has had a Wii for a year so he's pretty familiar with video games in general and he's played some racing games on his cousin's DS but I don't want to just get him all racing games. Plus he already has Mario Kart for Wii.
  4. Yesterday I saw in one of the scanned ads a Wii Active (or EA Active) but I can't find it now and can't remember the store. Thanks in advance if anyone knows which store! Of course I guess I could wait to have the paper ads in my hand but this site is so fun and helps me plan!
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