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  1. I got everything at Kohl's earlier in week and last item (sogo) tonight. Then I went back in and it's sold out five minutes later. I got lucky.
  2. When are they going to let us shop? Sheesh
  3. This sucks
  4. Not good. Crashed site
  5. Order tonight like now. Currently buy 2 get 1 free. Not sure if they will all be on sale or not tomorrow
  6. Yup! Got my watch and a gift card! And I pick it up tomorrow! Woohoo
  7. I know. That's why I'm going back today. I pulled the items and gave them all to them. Only reason I did this is because I was there shopping and everything was cheaper online. Saved about $100 by doing so. Had I bought in store last night, the prices were showing a lot higher. I got my ready for pickup email in the middle of the night. I waited for my first order and then did this while picking it up. It's worth the five minute drive to save $100
  8. When picking up my order, I was browsing the store and found a ton of more stuff to buy. I gathered it all, purchased on my phone Nd then took it to customer service, handed it to them and gave them my order # and they said I can pick it up tomorrow morning. I did their job for them while guaranteeing my items are there to get "pulled". Should they cancel part of my order, I'll insist they match their online price and sell me the items they are holding for me. wish me luck.
  9. Anyone know if the Fitbit and the self balancing boards will go live?
  10. How do I get on to the sale?
  11. I went over to our wal-mart last night and still, like always, nobody knew anything about any of the secret sales. When confronted, they said they would look it up on the computer to see why they didn't receive the items, then went and hid in the back somewhere. After almost an hour of waiting for them to emerge, I gave up and went shopping elsewhere.
  12. I got an extra one. Email me and I can see how much shipping would be if you are willing to pay for it. I would be willing to do exact shipping and exact cost. $119 plus 7.75 % sales tax and whatever shipping is
  13. mommystiber


    they will not be in stores til late dec early jan at the earliest. this was printed way before the recall!
  14. I make it every year from Walmart at 5 am to Target at 6 am. I just find someone who will go sit in line early at target while I shop at walmart for the both of us, then join them at the front of the line at target around 5:30 since I know exactly what I want and run through walmart like a madwoman! Good luck!
  15. Lets just hope for good "Secret Sale Items" posted on Thanksgiving. Otherwise, I am going to be sad on my happiest day of the Year!
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