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  1. *SO* Agree!!! I'm excited to see how Amazon does this year - hopefully a lot better than last year.
  2. I was wrong in the first post - it was a little over ONE YEAR old. He did not have the extended warranty. I don't think anyone expects things to last forever, but for that price we did expect at least a few years out of it (it's not like it was an off-brand or even a base model). He did contact Samsung. They told him he was SOL. I understand that everything is a gamble, but from our perspective, Samsung is a brand to avoid. That said, I'm happy your plasma has lasted as long as it has. I hope your good luck continues!
  3. My boyfriend got a Samsung a few years back - it lasted about 2 months past it's warranty, then the screen was shot. He took it back to Best Buy (now known as "Worst Buy" to his 5 yr old). They refused to do ANYTHING for him - the guy wouldn't take 10% off the new TV purchase OR throw in free delivery. I think that the company should have done better since the TV was barely over a year old, and a $1700 purchase. I got my Sony at Ultimate Electronics before they clsed down, so we've owned it about 3 years maybe? So far, so good. It is a model or 2 above what you get in Walmart, but not their top-of0the-line. It's got a BEAUTIFUL picture, clear, and the colors are vivid. We use it with the BluRay and everything looks gorgeous. Would recommend another. I believe it is the Sony KDL-52V5100, but not 100% positive. It's probably not marketed any more, but I love mine and would definitely consider another model from them.
  4. Bah - of course, I see this the week after I ordered 2 others for my daughters! Oh, well... hmm... wondering if I should buy a back-up. At this price, I just may!
  5. It took me forever, because the coupon picture (and I think the description as well) isn't the same as the item I was shopping for - it wasn't until I clicked it that it showed that it would work on a number of Rembrandt items! I'm new to this, first time using their coupons - thank you for explaining it to me! I <3 amazon lol - makes shopping so much easier (though their sales on kids' toys etc wasn't that great this year, it was still worth the Prime membership just to avoid shopping in stores!) Thanks, Savannah
  6. Where do you find the coupon? Thanks!
  7. Please note that the price of Rockband Sketch Portfolio has decreased from $6.99 to $5.99 since you placed it in your Shopping Cart. Items in your cart will always reflect the most recent price displayed on their product detail pages. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003ESOHSQ/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?ie=UTF8&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER
  8. MadWorld Other products by Sega Of America, Inc. Platform: Nintendo Wii | ESRB Rating: Mature Mature This title has been rated Mature for: * Intense Violence * Mature Humor * Strong Language * Blood and Gore * Sexual Themes * Drug Reference List Price: $19.99 Price: $11.99 & eligible for free shipping with Amazon Prime You Save: $8.00 (40%) http://www.amazon.com/MadWorld-Nintendo-Wii/dp/B0019SY1D4/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=videogames&qid=1260331849&sr=8-1 http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51BUJfrLssL._SL500_AA280_.jpg
  9. Got 2 for my lil cousins :) Spring and Jungle - Garden was OOS when I first tried. Shipping will kill you though...
  10. I'm so torn on buying one... keep hearing about the RROD and it scares me! If I got one for $99 like Brandi mentioned, I;m in - it's a lot easier to throw money at it for that price than for around $300!
  11. Thanks - got the game After tax and delivery to Kansas, it was around $24... thank you OP!
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