My boyfriend got a Samsung a few years back - it lasted about 2 months past it's warranty, then the screen was shot. He took it back to Best Buy (now known as "Worst Buy" to his 5 yr old). They refused to do ANYTHING for him - the guy wouldn't take 10% off the new TV purchase OR throw in free delivery. I think that the company should have done better since the TV was barely over a year old, and a $1700 purchase. I got my Sony at Ultimate Electronics before they clsed down, so we've owned it about 3 years maybe? So far, so good. It is a model or 2 above what you get in Walmart, but not their top-of0the-line. It's got a BEAUTIFUL picture, clear, and the colors are vivid. We use it with the BluRay and everything looks gorgeous. Would recommend another. I believe it is the Sony KDL-52V5100, but not 100% positive. It's probably not marketed any more, but I love mine and would definitely consider another model from them.