I WORK IN RETAIL and I might just have to sacrifice my job! I nicely approached my boss today and told him, since we all work BF am, can I have one of those (electronic thingys) put aside for me? He flatly told me "NO! BF is a Customer Day, and if I am so concerened with getting a deal on BF, I picked the wrong place to work. Customers come first, if there is anything left, then employees can fight over it":shock: I obviously "chose" the wrong company to work for. Since when, in any retail job, are the employees not the stores BEST CUSTOMER!?!?! We not only spend most of our checks there, but tell fam and friends about thier great deals! I say, as the backbone of retail, us "little men on the totem pole" & "retail slaves" we PROTEST! Can you imagine, if we all boycotted BF and called OUT?!?! Im just curious, are there any others like me that work for a company that always puts its customers in front of its employees on BF????