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  1. THANKS!! Just ordered one!
  2. If anyone has coupon for this movie, I would love to have it also. I am wanting to buy it in bluray,or I would pre-buy it also.TIA
  3. Just tried, I think its over....
  4. I am hoping there is not a limit-it doesnt say in the ad. I will have a friend with me just in case,though.
  5. Thanks,in for one! Too bad I still have to stand in line for 2 more-because I need 3 diff. colors. Great deal!!!!!
  6. Just bought a 22 pound turkey for $8.xx! Yeah,I just hope its a good turkey!
  7. They would not give me the extra 10 gift card for spending the 75 either. But i did get the 20 for the game. Which is still nice because I was planning on buying the game anyway. The extra giftcard would of been nice though!
  8. I couldnt get the code to work either. Any ideas?
  9. I called the 800 number after getting upset that they wouldn't sell me a ball that my son HAD to have. She called the manager over after seeing it come up inf and she said they could not sell it no matter what. I called and she said that is target policy to salvage anything inf. She was VERY firm and not understanding at all. I wont even try anymore. Great for all the people that can things though!
  10. I am looking for the toolbench that everyone is finding-if someone has an extra and would be willing to ship PLEASE let me know. My son would be so grateful.
  11. Has anyone seen the train table or the step 2 toolbench around indy?I never saw them at any of the stores I went to, let alone at 75% off. tia
  12. I hit the target on wash street in indy. Signs were marked 30% but most things were 75%. Got lots of great things for bdays and xmas next year!
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