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  1. Found the 512mb one for $14 at Target
  2. Just got back from Target and I found Ratatouille on Wii for $3.61.
  3. Has any seen the air compressors at 75%?
  4. I got 4 of the phontokinz 1 task chair 9.99 2 Color Wonder Sprayers for 5.32 (now I am on the look out for the refills) Crayola Tadoodles Stamper set 1.48 I all I need for Easter now is candy.
  5. Is the fit to strip a good workout?
  6. Here's what I found today: Crayola Color Wonder Mess-Free Paint $2.47 orig. $9.89 Golden Compass Wii game $12.XX Task chair is scanning 19.98 hope it goes down next week.
  7. Thanks...those are the ones I have been waiting to go down... i will head to the store today. My daughter wants the pink on. :)
  8. Are you refering to the different color task chairs?
  9. thanks:D, I have 3 girls, 1 niece, & 5 nephews...I'm always buying toys.
  10. Just got back from my lunch trip to target...here's what I got: 3 apple MM 1 pirate of the carribean cd player for $6.74 1 white girl toy organizer for $14.98 (I need one more...I will try a store closer to home tonight.)
  11. Have you thought of buying a used one they usually run $79?
  12. Got my keyboard by price matching at Office Depot even though staples was sold out. I love PMs
  13. I have saved so much money since I joined this site.
  14. Most stores, not just Target, now have the ability to track your purchases via security camera.
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