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Everything posted by cheyandwysmom
Was there by 2:45, then made Walmart by 4:30 and Menards by 5:30. Got everything I needed at all 3!
There are some items at walmart that are already on sale for the BF price. I was able to get the gobble and go hippo today after the EXTREMELY helpful salespeople looked it up to be sure it was there and saleable and then went out to the trailer and actually dug through everything to find me one! I know a lot of people have a lot of gripes about walmart, but as a former employee and a longtime customer, I really don't have anything bad to say. They have never been anything but polite and helpful to me. Seems to me that the easiest way to avoid their "bad service" if you don't like them is to just not shop there....yet how many of you will be there BF morning anyway?
You are absolutely the best! Thank you so much to everyone who helped us Menards addicts with our fix!!!!
Hey, wait! There were no $2.99 Barbies last year! lol...I reallllllly need this ad! If there's no way for you to scan, could you possibly type a list? Please!!??
I'm going with the Field and Stream hat/knife/subscription combo for $4.88
I wonder...maybe Brad knows the answer to this question, since he's not terribly far from me? Are we just sequestered in the midwest, WI in particular? Why have I not even heard of many of these stores? Forgive me for perpetuating the midwestern stereotype...maybe it's just the areas I've lived in that have no store selection?
See, that's the problem! lol...I would love to save big money at Menards, but they won't tell me what to spend it on!!
I called our menards and they said there is no way anyone has the day after thanksgiving ad. It's like they have it locked in a vault at fort knox or something.
They went out of business where I lived last year, but before that they always had good deals on a few different pieces of jewelry (bracelets usually) and also a coupon in the ad for $ off total purchase.
No luck in my newspaper. Is there any way someone who received one could scan it for us?
Oh, I'm right there with ya, billcraig....I'm sure I can stop at any time. Right???? I mean, I only go there twice a week because I want to. Not because I NEED to!!??!! I am blessed enough to be able to stay home with my kids, but our budget is tight. Necessity forces me to shop where I can get the most product for the least $. It's great to have these grand visions of a perfect world where all retailers play nicely together in the sandbox, but the reality is that more and more these days, families are forced to give their money to the corporation that can give the most back in return. End of story.
Maybe there is one Menard's employee who likes to live dangerously. :) Seriously...every employee at every store who leaks an ad is at risk of losing their job, and THEY did it! If there are any Menard's employees reading this, you wouldn't let a little risk ruin the fun, would you? Signed, desperately hoping peer pressure works. lol
Sooo....question. The highly coveted (at least in my house) bounce n spin zebra is in the ad for $39 something...at the Walmart in Beaver Dam, WI today it was a Rollback for $33...??? Do you think it will stay that low or go back to $39?
Never heard of 'em. Guess I won't miss their ad.
I have a 13 yr old daughter by my first marriage, and a 1 year old son with my "new" hubby (of 8 yrs). Even though we have been together since my daughter was 2, she is never treated quite as well by her grandma and grandpa on his side. She and I are very close and I know it hurts her when she's treated 2nd best. She's a very tough kid and doesn't say anything to them, but she also doesn't like to visit them because she knows that she isn't treated like family there. Just food for thought - kids have very fragile self esteem - sometimes we can damage it without intending to.
These are ALWAYS my first two stops - I really, REALLLLLLLY want the ads!!! Can anyone help?
I posted this on another thread, but it was so funny I had to share....a couple of years ago, everyone in line collectively agreed to let a handicapped man in a wheelchair to the front so he could get in the doors safely....when the doors opened, he left his wheelchair blocking the doors and got up and ran. :) Some people will do anything for a deal...
This might possibly work on some items (like movies, etc) but a lot of the door-buster items (like certain toys at WalMart) come in specific BF packaging with separate UPC's. Other items won't ring at the doorbuster price.
12? Isn't that sleeping in? lol
I think it all depends on your own attitude on BF morning. If you wake up crabby and think of it as a hassle, I guarantee it will be. If you go with a sense of adventure and are determined to have fun, you most likely will. I have never had issues with anyone in line, with one exception - two years ago in the ShopKo line, all of us well-meaning people who had waited in line for 2+ hours decided as a group to let a guy in a wheelchair to the front of the very long line. When the doors opened, he jumped up, left his wheelchair, and ran. I thought there was going to be a mob riot that day. :)
I understand what you're saying, but I don't know if that's what's happening or not. Since he was the store manager, I can only assume he knew what he was talking about in relation to what price he could sell his items for. This was for price matching purposes across state lines. It could be that there is a different cost ratio for manufacturer/retailer relationships in other states that are set at a lower rate than Wisconsin's retailers. Either way, the Wal-mart (in Onalaska, WI) won't be matching MN prices this BF.
I just spoke with the manager of our Wal-mart yesterday - we are on the WI/MN border and my question was regarding price-matching. He told me that they were able to do price matching for all local stores except the stores in Minnesota, right across the bridge. According to him, the "minimum mark-up" law is still in effect, and they can't match MN prices as they would be selling below their cost. So at least for now, I guess we're still on the outs.
Has anyone heard anything about ShopKo's BF sales yet? They are usually the first stop I make and I haven't seen anything about them yet. Also, does anyone know if they will PM? Thanks!