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Posts posted by its_an_opinion

  1. It's a good idea.... If I could find the scans in the first place! I've been noodling through the forum threads but can't seem to find the actual ad image. Maybe they've already been pulled for the stores I've been searching.... :-(
  2. I saw an idea in another BB thread that I've seen work in another context. Get there early and START A NUMBERED SIGN-IN LIST OF THE FIRST 100+ PEOPLE IN LINE. (Use a permanent ink pen; keep it inside your coat if the ink is freezing. Something to write on--clipboard or notebook--& extra sheets of paper are helpful. In fact, it might be a good idea to find an old-fashioned sheet of carbon paper to make a carbon copy of the list.) Don't be officious or authoritarian, & make sure everyone knows the list will be handed over to the BB employee. Present it (truthfully!) as a fair way to make sure those who waited the longest get the first tickets/bands. People who are willing to suffer for great deals are very willing to ensure their place in line!


    As people arrive, go up to them & have them "sign in." It's a great way to start conversations & build comaraderie. Of course, offering to pick up food/hot drinks if you go out, or offering to go with a single person if the neighborhood is dodgy, boosts the group's goodwill too. I don't know how to handle situations where people have to stay in tents or vehicles to shelter from the weather--how do you really tell the difference between that & going home for several hours, if a dispute arises? Once you're sure the list includes more than enough people to buy all the doorbuster products have a second person keep the carbon copy, but keep adding to the original list.


    Later on, when line-jumpers &/or "cut-ins" (as in, "I was holding a place in line for my cousin/neighbor/kid's 8 friends") arrive, go up to them and have the new arrivals sign in by the correct numbers. One would hope that seeing their names next to, say, #197 to #202 would discourage them, but if not, don't worry. Why take the risk of getting into a fight or even (whichforbid) prompting some crazed shooter? Beyond mentioning that the list will be given to the BB employee, don't even try to "enforce the rules." If some troublemakers try to destroy the list, let them! That's what the carbon copy is for.


    This is where building a cohesive spirit among the first 100 in line (& keeping a carbon copy of the list with a second person) comes in handy. Since you are nearest the door, all of you start yelling out "Line up according to your place on the list!" when BB gets ready to hand out tickets/bands/whatever. Make sure the BB employee gets your list in his/her sweaty hands as soon as he/she ventures out. Explain that this list & your cooperation will PREVENT a stampede. If everyone around supports the idea, the employee will be very glad to fall in with the system!


    The whole idea is to use group pressure to enforce order without singling out one person as an "enforcer" or a target for a possible sorehead. Besides, it really does make the whole process more pleasant & faster than just smashing forward willy-nilly like lemmings. As I said, I've seen this procedure work with a very emotional, high-stakes queue.

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