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Everything posted by kathyjoc

  1. It’s not Black Friday without BJS!
  2. What happened to Dev?
  3. Missing tonight's webcast
  4. Are any of the Dollar Spot items marked down right now. I need some things for our school carnival.
  5. http://http://www.amazon.com/Rock-University-Presents-Brothers-Nintendo-Wii/dp/B0019R2QR8/ref=sr_1_11?s=videogames&ie=UTF8&qid=1291300135&sr=1-11 Wii Rock University Presents: The Naked Brothers Band The Video Game List Price: $14.99 Price: $2.95 You Save: $12.04 (80%)
  6. I agree, last year's sale was better. I still bought $100 worth of stuff...
  7. Walmart. Not worth standing in line for 2 days in the cold.
  8. worked for me and my order total was $14.99. THANKS!:fluffy:
  9. I saw them at Micheals yesterday.
  10. great! Thanks!
  11. I just tried to use the code and came back invalid
  12. I got one yesterday at Game Stop for $89
  13. Thanks I was able to get the Tag™ Reading Basics for Girls Princess Pack for $48.It was on sale for $68.99 before the 30% off. I had to add one set of the National Geographic Cards $7.99 before the discount($5.59 after)to get the free shipping on $50. My total order was $54.
  14. I searched and couldn't find any free shipping codes.
  15. Cafe Express orders ship free
  16. Thanks, If you are a Cafe Express club member you also receive $2.00 off per box. Great deal!
  17. Thank you so much just got 3 of them for my co-workers 3 kids! I'm so excited, I've been trying for days to get them.
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