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Posts posted by caegbert

  1. another wal-mart story lol. my aunt and i shop bf every year and she really wanted one of the laptops. we arrived at 3 am in line, about 5 people in front of us. Since i love wal-mart it was fun to be one of the first in the doors and running through the store to get the laptop for her. well she found it first and they gave her a ticket to pay for the pc then go round back of the store to pick it up. after finishing shopping she paid and went to pick up her laptop and found out they over sold 4! someone put the laptops on the floor rather then handing out the slips for pick up. but in true wal-mart fashion they made it right by selling her a better laptop for the same price and a $50 gift card!
  2. we keep all the adds in the van. we review them as we drive from store to store and have a detailed list to carry with us into the store, product name, price, and probably locations of items in the store. we all split up in the store so if we are going seperate ends of the store and we are close to something on anothers list we pick it up for them. as for money - i keep cash in a seperate pocket ( usually front jeans pocket for lunch when the door busters have expired lol) debit card in back pocket, and i have a sweater that fireman use to keep warm ( LOTS of pockets) for cell phone and reciepts. when one person gets through the line or wants nothing form that particular store that person runs home while others are shopping and trades vans so we can fill another lol
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