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  1. o.k. Thanks nirvana4all. I signed up on that thing at amizon that you pick or "vote" to see if I could get that one. have to wait to find out. thanks for the help & answering the questions. I will check back here then tomorrow. sunpop
  2. Thanks, nirvana4all. I will check back this evening. Appreciate it man.-sunpop
  3. So, is this a good computer to get for just basic stuff, no games? and is a great deal, or a good deal? thanks.sunpop
  4. Hey dude nirvana4all, I'm back, and sorry it took so long. Do U remeber me? I am the one that talked to you 4 nights ago. my little black box does not have an anntenea on it, and I think it is just so you can have high speed conection. It says "westell" on it and has little green lights that flash. So, I need the router thing, right? and... still have not found a laptop. I got the ads, did not know what to get. I REALLY don't want to drive 100+ miles to wait in line on black friday. What do people do when they have to pee, anyways? Got any suggestions 4 me? would like it to be easy 4 a pcdummie to figure out.Thanks if you have heard of anything lately, i would appreciate that.sunpop
  5. o.k. I will get the paper tomorrow, and look at the adds, then ask you tomorrow. thanks for your help tonight. sunpop
  6. a black box. I think it is dsl like you said. I will have to "go to town" 45 miles to get a paper in the morning! but, it may be worth the drive eh? thank you
  7. somethin called ethernet, with a plug from the internet provider, i paid for high speed
  8. o.k. than hp it is, I don't care, really. the poster above said $449 at best buy. can I get that now? or have to wait? I guess I can go look at the best buy web site, but last time i looked, did not see prices like that, maybe they hide them? Thanks.
  9. I guess I'm trying to say---> I want to buy now, don't know how to "upgrade" just want to buy it and have it work.Someone told me I also need something called a router, is that true? and does it matter what brand or kind of router I get? Thanks in advance for help. I take it this Sony $399 is like in the store only on the day after turkey day? If I could but it now, and the Aero thingy doesn't matter to me, I would. Let me know what that thing is, please and why I would care about it. thanks
  10. o.k.....as I stated I'm computer dumb, so what is Aero interface, and do I need to run it, what ever it is? just always thought Sony brand was better, but I'm listening, for I know nothing. Also what is intel onboard graphics? and do I care about those? Can I buy either of these items right now? I looked at curcuit city and they are giving out free stuff with the purchase of any laptop. I want to buy it online cuz I live nowhere near any stores (in the hills) So, thanks for the info. but I need a lil more help, please. mostly that Aero thing.
  11. I'm going with the guy who said "a computer is only as smart as the person running it" . That being said, I failed "computers for dummies". but, I need a laptop. Do I have to wait until Black Friday to get a good deal? What I am looking for is one for emailing, forums, and surfing the net. no games, photos, or extras. I would like it to be a decent one, that I can purchase online. Can someone point me to a good deal on a decent laptop? I wouldn't mind spending the extra $ for a vey good one, if it was a great deal, however, I don't NEED a really good one. I would like to spend about $300, if that is possible. Thanks to anyone that can help. I just don't know what all the ram and jargon means. I just want the thing to work off my internet connection I already have, if that is possible. Please answer as if you are speaking to a computer ignorant person. Thanks.
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