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  1. Brad, Many months ago, you posted a thread with various names for a black friday advertisement site. You mentioned that you were going to try to separate the black friday ads from the normal gottadeal.com website. Have you made any progress in this area, or are you shelving it for now? I imagine you are well aware of this, but I hope that you are running the site through a holding company, to isolate yourself personally from any liability. Whether it be an S-corp or single member LLC or some other form, it would be better than running the site personally.
  2. Thanks! Just settled on my first house yesterday. I'm going to need landscaping tools.
  3. As an accountant at a CPA firm, I have had considerable experience working with quickbooks for some of our clients. It is very user friendly and sufficient for most small to medium businesses. I have had much less experience with peachtree, although there has been some. I felt that quickbooks was easier to navigate. However, if you are just starting out, or cash flow is an issue and you want an accounting package, peachtree is not bad at all...just not as good as quickbooks.
  4. I bought this TV with the (now dead) 20% off coupon on Sunday. $560 bucks!!!!1
  5. NOTE: At the bottom of the page, there are 3 other items that are $10 each. They have free shipping as well, and are free after the google checkout.
  6. http://www.picresize.com/ Here is a website that will allow you to resize your pictures.
  7. To those who have already rec'd their products, did you receive an email when the item was shipped? I am curious, because I completed my purchase a week ago, but still have not gotten a shipping confirmation. Thanks.
  8. Whoops. Perhaps they didn't like that I put through 10 separate orders of socks, each with a discount. 6 pairs of men's dress socks for 3.98 24 pairs of women's trouser socks for 7.92. Total: 30 pairs of socks for under 12 bucks!!!! Edit: I did this late Tuesday night. The codes do not work for me now anyway. Furthermore, they are out of a lot of stuff that I considered buying. bummer
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