I'm in Ky and last night it rained and the temperature went from about 45 to 79. Then this morning it rained again and it went from 79 to 27 and about a half inch of snow and ice. Gotta love the Midwest
I have never slept before a sale because I usually need to be in line at WM for whatever the biggest Tv doorbuster is at about 2am so i'll have a chance and get that Tv. I have never had a problem with it cause I used to work until 3 Oclock in the morning so I normally wouldn't even sleep until bout 5:30 on a normal night. I am never bothered by the staying up, but when I do get done shopping and eating I usually go home and sleep after I hooked up and started to use my nice Tv's but this yr i'll be sleeping earlier as all of my home theatre needs we satisfied as of last Black Friday.
I don't know of any place that has it on Sale now or will on Black Friday Yet. But when I find out i'll post it here cause im looking for this as my gift to myself.
I'm interested in DJ Hero for Xbox 360, Im not a rock guy so Guitar Hero ain't my thing, this is right up my alley, I hope someone has this on sale I don't have children but I love shopping for myself.
Yeah I brought a "50" inch Samsung Plasma and Swivel Stand for about $850 last year after tax at Wal-Mart with my employee discount and I couldn't be happier with my purchase. It's only 720p but it will go up to 1080i and It looks great with all Hd content and not to bad with Sd content even though I don't watch that much of it unless I have to.
I was at home sippin some drinks and I had to take some of my visiting friends back to their parents house so I did and I looked at the clock and it was about midnight so I said what the hell and just went to Wal-Mart cause I figured people would be lining up already but I was the 1st one there and people showed up about 10 mins later I think about 6 total but they were really nice and we talked the whole time well every tv 42" and above were all in the site to store section and when 5 Oclock came I just checked out and when i was walking to the front door to get my car cause we were told that we could go shopping and pick up our tv when we leave since they figured you may have wanted more than one thing I saw a tv stand with a swivel that for $94 before my employee discount I thought that it was a steal so i grabbed one went to the register and checked out and no one was standing at any registers because everyone was still running around trying to find deals so I checked out it took me 5 hours of waiting but I was out of their 15 mins after five and with all the discounts from being an employee I saved more than $500 retail on a 50 inch Samsung Plasma and the stand after Wal-Mart I was dog tired so I ate at Shoney's and went home and went to sleep like a thumb sucking child All in All great Black Friday.(Sorry no Periods or Commas)
Hopkinsville,Ky Wal-mart (I get to use my employee discount and extra 10% off 20% off total)
I got a 42inch 1080p Lcd last yr and I got a 32inch Lcd the year before that now im looking for 50-52 inch lcd to complete my living room and upgrade from the 42 inch from last year
Well I work for Wal-Mart Distrbution Center and the stores are all open on Thanksgiving but for the past 3 years that I have worked there we were always supposed to work on Thanksgiving but we have not so far and we only work Tues-Fri 10 hour shifts so they have made us come in on Monday and we have been paid OT and we were given Thanksgiving off with pay and I believe this year will be the same as years past but we usually don't find out until about a week before time but I never miss Bf cause I work 2nd shift but this year my vacation day is set in stone for Bf so no work for me on that day for the 1st time in a long time. (Plus working for the Dc I always get to load the Bf items on the trucks weeks in advance so I see things most people don't know about).