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mia girl

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  1. Where is the other post. I can't find it. Help!
  2. The tow truck was 44.99 here
  3. I just came from TRU. The Lego technic plane. Red one was reduced from 59.99 to 39.99. They also had the technic tractor 50% off down to 24.99. Didn't really look at the others These two
  4. There is a groupon deal for this. I think it's only $15
  5. Can any of these tablets support facebook and the fb games - like farmville, cityville?
  6. got 2 for my boys!! Thanks so much - they loved these when we saw them at the sears~!
  7. does anyone have a number for corporate or is it better to email them?
  8. I do alot of online shopping but will NEVER order from target again. Ordered some pillow pets and a sheet set on black friday. the shipping label was created for ups but the items never reached ups. so they never left the target warehouse. After getting the run around for days, including being tranferred to dpts that were closed, being hung up on etc.. they finally tell me that they will reship the items to me (as a one time courtesy!! _ can you believe that - as if they are doing me a favor to fix their screw up). keep in mind that the entire time i was calling back they told me that they would not run out of the items, which was my concern. well they did. the reorder was going to be only for the pillow pet. they told me i could buy the sheets in store (but for 2x the price and they could not adjust). Come to find out that the rep did not reship - she canceled my order when i was adamant that i wanted my items. she actually said she reshipped andthat i would receive the tems in 3-5 days. she cx my order, wrote no notes nothing. so on top of outright lying to me, she issued a refund to the original cc and i had told her that this was not mine and that i had already paid my friend for the stuff i bought on her cc so i could not get money back. i asked if they could issue refund to a gift card and then she came up with the idea of reshipping. now the second order - which they refused to ship overnight is lost again. and they are giving me the run around. on top of that i complained so much cause price is now doubled, that they were going to match the original price i paid. said that they would give me a credit which they did not. I had to call back AGAIN to get this done. 7 calls - 4 hours later - i have no items!!!! at least when kohls cx part of your order, they tell you to buy the item in store or online and they will refund you the difference between what you were suppose to pay when u ordered it and what you actually paid. don't waste ur time with target.. if the mess us they will not fix the problem just give you more headaches. if i had not been able to order online i would just have gone to the store to get the sale price. but obvioulsy if i can get the same price online with free shipping, why wouldn't i. BUT DON'T - YOU ARE BETTER OFF PAYING MORE AT LEAST YOU WON'T HAVE A HEADACHE AND YOU WOULD ACTUALLY GET YOUR STUFF so now, one of the only things i was getting my little one is missing and I can't find it at the stores!!
  9. still no watches for me and they are giving me the run around paypal is no help either
  10. They had some in my local store today
  11. i ordered mine 11/14 and nothing yet here is the original post http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?184972-Hello-Kitty-Leather-Band-Quartz-Watch-2.86-(OR-LESS)-FS-focalprice.com
  12. soooo.. just for fun - how many orders did everyone place?? i think I had 6 orders - so 12 books - and I am fighting the urge to get more!!!! LOL
  13. Thanks OP this was a great deal - i must have ordered around 10 books for my 2 sons Also thanks - tinkrbel - i had never seen the "my book about me" - i got one for each of them!! My oldest is going to love it!! :0) - btw looks like we r close by!
  14. i always price adjust at target on BF - thats why i prefer to go there.. but ;ast year they told me that store policy changed and they no longer price adjust for BF specials. Not just morning specials - the specials that were for all day friday and sat. they actually had it in writing.
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