Uggh....We got to Walmart at 3:45 a.m. to get in line for the X-Box 360 Bundle with the free Guitar Hero and waited until 4:55 for the employee to unwrap the stacks. My husband was in line with his hand on the X-Box, and so many late comers came within the last few minutes so there were 2 groups thick of people waiting around the stack. As soon as the employee started to cut through the plastic, they all rushed the stack and pushed everyone who was waiting and up front to the floor and grabbed them all up. They only had 16 consoles available for all those people. It was awful. A cop was standing nearby and did nothing until the end. It was my husband and another woman who had each end of a console and the cop then stepped in and told my husband to drop it (which unfortunately he did) and then 3 other woman started fighting and screaming. It should have been handled ALOT better. I understand the "Spirit" of Black Friday, but I can't understand so many people acting like animals. There was a woman there since 9:30 Thanksgiving night waiting for one and before the employee opened the plastic he promised her one then he would step away. No go, she ended up crying with broken glasses and no 360. Just wanting to vent I guess!!!!