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  1. Table Tennis.chatty doll, ans chest of drawers
  2. Headphones, Apple watch, Cowboy Boota, Sensory Toys for my austic grandson, heated vest
  3. This year probably earlier like weekend after Halloween. DD just started a new job she only gets Christmas day off and she is 5 hours away. DS is finishing college in NC 12 hours away and is unsure how long he will get to come home for
  4. Kandy

    Gift baskets

    Spa Basket Eye mask (sleep or for puffy eyes) Face mask Aromatherapy bath oil Foot scrubs Body scrubs Loofa Nail polish Nail files Polish remover Nail clippers Relaxation cd
  5. I just ordered a 450 from qvc for 129 last week. With 32 pods and. 4 soups
  6. my ds is at a very small college so i honestly don't understand why he would want one anyway. Total students is about 100-150. He is up near Raleigh NC. We don't get snow here in AL (maybe every now and then) I'm just scared that he has to drive in it to work even if his work is only about 2-3 miles from the school
  7. I've been looking at these too for my so n for college going between classes. He wants a Segway that can even be used through the snow... but they are a over priced. Looking at one place its $230 / month for 60 months... okay can you say car payment http://shop.segwayofalabama.com/ Ive been watching the swagways on tv, thinking this may be an alternative.
  8. I've not seen anything yet.
  9. I purchase something special for my kids each year for the tree, but its theirs to take with them when they move out and start their own family. DD is 22 this year she is getting Pinkie Pie , DS is 20 and I've not decided yet what to get him.
  10. I dont know why. I got it from coke rewards today. I didn't use it. I dont know what kind of pin code it would have wanted other than the code at the top
  11. I got this code but I'm not going to use it, This is a one time use code, If you use please say you have redeemed this code. You're just a few clicks away from enjoying your digital reward. This email is a receipt which confirms that you redeemed 5 points for FTD.com $20 Reward Code. Your digital code is: CP107664927674 Please check your email to find your digital code. To redeem your FTD.com Reward Code, please follow these simple steps: 1. Browse for the flower arrangement or gift of your choice atwww.ftd.com/30607. 2. Proceed to check out. 3. Sign in or continue as a guest. 4. Enter your desired delivery information. 5. Once on the Billing & Review page, please enter your reward code in the Gift Cards/Certificate Number field and click 'Apply' to show your total purchase amount. Please be sure to use your reward code before its expiration date on 12/31/2015. You should retain your reward code as a reference number in case you need to contact the FTD customer service team. For any questions regarding this reward code, please contact the FTD customer service team at 800-SEND FTD or 800-736-3383. To ensure accuracy, we recommend that you copy and paste your code.
  12. walmart is 1/2 off and dollar general is $10 off both on the 3 month cards
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