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Posts posted by coleman4905

  1. I have to buy for my 4 nephews which have everything. I need to find something inexpensive but nice for them. I have done giftcards in the past but they hate not having something to open so I am stuck,..any ideas would be great..thank you.
  2. i got a crock pot, 6 months supply of my contacts, dvd's, a really cute silver picture frame, make up, candle sets, and some gift cards. oh and prob the flu,..lol both kids aredown with fevers and flu like symptoms. yuck!

  3. Malyah (13) asks for peanut butter every year and my moms home made pickles. my oldest wants her rent paid (shes 20 and in college). lol My son (14) wants his own credit card with his name on it. lol

  4. my kids made out lists but i told them to be reasonable. Their dad/my husband died Jan 16th of this year so they know how tight things have been so as we made out lists i had them remember things they like : axe gift sets, purfume sets, belts, c.d."s, movie tickets etc..i get these items put them in a bigger box or whatever and wrap. They are excited becuase it looks like a decent amount under the tree and they got what they wanted. They get 1 bigger item which i try not to spend more than 100.00 on and then like 6-8 smaller things. the smaller things cost anywhere between 5 and 10.00 dollars.
  5. We decorated the inside of our house already and put up the tree. I wanted to do the outside this past weekend but my ds is 13 and he has always helped me but he is on crutches till tomorrow so i decided to wait to let him help me. he would be dissappointed if he didnt get to help. im so excited for bf now!!
  6. Our traditions are:


    we go to the festival of lights one night and then go around town looking at the holiday lights

    we watch all the x-mas shows while having nothing lite but the tree while eating popcorn and having pop (i dont give the kids pop often so its a treat)

    black friday I shop, come home to decorate tree, then the kids are always in the town christmas parade then home to relax and watch tv shows.

    x-mas eve we open 2 gifts,..the one in the a.m. (a toy for them to play with) and one in p.m. (p.j.'s)

  7. Our stores around here can get crazy so I wouldn't take my youngest kids for a long time,..my oldest has gone since she was 13. Now the younger 2 are 12 and 13 i asked if they wanted to go but they said they"d rather be surpised s they dont want to go. I've seen babies and young children screaming at the top of their lungs because they were tired, hungry, cold etc..Our wal-mart is open 24 hours so it isnt bad anymore but those who have to wait in long lines make me sad.
  8. We are going through the same thing. My husband died Jan 16th of this year. My kids 18, 13, and 12 are still pretty upset about it. He had a long 8 year battle with cancer but we just still never thought we'd see the day when his life would end. Christmas was big for us as well and celebrating is going to be so hard. We just recently moved into another house which i think in a way will help and we are looking for different ideas to celebrate without hurting our families. I thought about a mini vacation but his/mine families would be devastated. any ideas???
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