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  1. I went to get my snow globe yesterday morning and ended up getting the $500 off of $500 coupon for my store. Totally unexpected! I just wanted the snow globe!
  2. Not so much a deal, but I used to love the free toys that Shopko would give out! I still have a Rudolph and Clarice figurine they gave out one year.
  3. The Kitchen Aid mixer for only $130! I received one 20 years ago for a wedding gift and it’s still going strong!
  4. How is it November already??
  5. I’d probably have to say Walmart or Target I will do some in store and some online shopping. I miss the early morning openings and lining up with people.
  6. Happy October!
  7. August just flew by. Welcome September.
  8. How is it August already?? Normally about now I would be panicking that my summer was almost over, but I left teaching in March. No more summers off :-(
  9. Hello July. It’s crazy that 2022 is half over.
  10. Checking in for June! Schools almost done, but unfortunately I changed jobs and no longer get the summers off.
  11. If you want to share, I would love to use one of your 30% offs. I had ordered the shoes last time and they were to big. They came after my last 30% off had expired. Just PM me. Thank you so much!
  12. Does anyone have a 30% off code they want to share? I need to order a pair of shoes.
  13. Does anyone have a 30% off code they would like to share? I purchased a pair of shoes last time they had the 30% off, but they didn’t fit. By the time the came, the last sale was over.
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