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  1. Kima

    BF DVDs

    Thanks for making the list. It sounds good but we already have a lot of the good ones. I may have to get the Christmas vacation dvd though, we still have ours on VHS!
  2. i was all set to go and then I read the ad and I realized that nothing my kids want was on it.
  3. Kind of related, ( not an idog, but still kinda sneaky) about 2 years ago i was at walmart for BF and they had new release dvds for $8 that went off sale at 11. I was in line at 10:49 and they tried to tell me that was full price because they scanned me at 11:01. My point is, if this happens ask to talk to a manger because I did and they told me (at least at my store, if you are in line before the cutoff, you are ok)
  4. Sounds fishy to me.
  5. ours came in the mail today. I was disappointed in it a little.
  6. originally posted by JENILYN "I resemble that remark, we have every Garthzilla CD ever made..... my hubby is a nut for him! " That sounds like us too. i was planning on buying the new garth cd, would I do better to wait until BF?
  7. it's funny, we have a24 hour store and i always go on BF about 9:30 and always find what I came in for.
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