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Everything posted by scourt333

  1. ok forget boxes what about the toys that the plastic is molded together its so silly ok i could see the theft thing but like you say for a 25 dollar toy come on i almost cut myself several times
  2. i work at kohls and let me tell you that they hire so many new people the week of bf the new people hardly know how to run the register anyways this is how it works you Do have to know the amount on your card... we are not VISA or MC or american express so if you have $11.00 on your card and your purchase totals $50.00 you have to pay 39.00 by cash or check first and then we can use the card for the balance, or else your card will be declined. And no you can NOT use 2 credit cards for one transaction i dont know any retailer who does this. but the customers always right right??????
  3. ha ha yes the feet that i found everywhere in my house lol
  4. thank you
  5. got my Wii 2nd in line @ gamestop woooo hooooo they only had 15 @ each store
  6. ugh I had 4 of them and dont even shop there
  7. scourt333


    please someone tell me what DH is and DS i get MIL and SIL what are all these abrieviations?
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